chapter four

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Xena's pov.
As we got to the house and got off of the bike I knew those kids were going to have a better life here with us, their alpha no longer has the ability to hurt them.

"Babe what are you thinking about so hard?" Kena asked with slight concern

"Nothing baby just how those kids are going to have a better life here" I said casually

She nodded the grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the north section of the territory

We hit the tree line and she started to strip, so I knew she wanted to shift.

She shifted into her white wolf with electric blues eyes, while I shifted into my pitch black wolf with red eyes and black rings.

We then darted off to the place only we knew of.

The devils drop.

Its this deep whole in the earth and a the bottom if you jumped there would be the cleanest water ever but if you jump wrong you could die.

We were weaving in and out of the trees the wind whistling through our fur it was the best feeling in the world.

But then something happened I was thrown to the side by an unknown source I tried to move but I couldn't get up I looked around for kena and what I saw broke my heart,

there to the left of me was a witch with her hand wrapped tightly around my mates neck.
I started to growl at this person who is trying to hurt kena

"Shut it beast, know listen and.listen good you are rare and people are going to come after you, now if you come with me I can show you how to use your power and destroy those who intended to kill you, your pack and your mate, but know this if you speak a word of this to anyone I will find you and kill everyone you love in front of your eyes, do you understand"

She said in a low bitter tone.
I looked back from her to my love and decided what I had to do. I nodded my head letting the witch know that I will go with her.

"Good beast now not a word" she said with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

She dropped kena and took off the bind that kept me to the ground, when I got up the woman was gone and kena was laying in the grass asleep.

I knew she wouldn't remember any of this so I picked her up and ran back to the house, when I got there I headed up to our room there was a postet note on the deck.

"When your ready meet at the falls ~ d"

I didn't want to but I knew this had to happen for the sake of the pack so I packed my things and wrote a letter to the pack and to my mate.

"Dear, makkena something has happened and I must leave I promise I'll come back to you I need you to know that I love you and that everything will be alright
I didnt want this to happen and I dont know when ill be back there's no need to worry

Love your mate xena"
Once done with her letter I wrote one for the pack .

Later after kissing the love of my life and lying her down for bed I grabbed my stuff and left.

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