The fight starts

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Calypso feet moved swiftly along the wet grass, making his movements almost inhuman with his speed.  My body bounced up and down as I was mashed against his chest. I wanted him to slow down, but then again I didn't. What if we don't get to the house in time? 

"Calypso?" I say softly, almost certain he couldn't hear me. The sound of his breathing was the only thing we could both hear...

=3(Just wanted to cut in and say Hi, don't mind me -.-)

Soon fire could be seen. The flames were high to the point I thought they were touching the sky. The fire made scary faces, but I don't think calyspo could see them. Even with his eyes wide open, I knew he couldn't see them.

"No!! No!!!" He yells at the burning warehouse.

His shoulders fall and his breathing takes a slow and evil pace. The anger was bouncing off of him and I could feel all of it.  This is happening to fast for me, and way to fast for him.

The grass was now black and the trees screamed as the burned down with our home. The heat from the flames warmed up my glass face, making me close my eyes slightly.

To me this was just a warehouse, but to clayspo this was his home. He had stayed hidden here for as long as he came remember and now he watched it burn in front of him.

"How..." His voice breaks apart.

I tightly hug his shoulders. I felt his pain and lost, all I could do is watch him feel all this.  Not even my biggest  hugs could help him...

"How? How do u think it happen?" A voice comes from the flames.

But this voice brought pain and hate into my heart. It was so strong it cause my body to jump and go cold. My back started to burn reacting to the voice, causing my open hooks burn with my skin. 

"Someone was looking for something that was stolen from them and accidentally started a little fire" I felt a smirk behind them words

My heart breaks and my body shivers... That voice... I lose all feeling in my body, and my skin becomes ice cold.

"N-no.." I whimper out loud.

Marionette stands in front of the fire, watching claypso carefully.. No emotion appear on his face. He looked numb and full of unwanted hate that I would soon have to face.. I can only imagine how mad he is seeing me with someone else...

I feel calyspo muscles tighten as he stands back up to face the new enemy. The attention between these two was intense and unsettling...

"You started this?" Calyspo voice came out strangely calm and collected..

"Yes" Marionette booms..

He frowns wanting a better reaction from calypso.

Calypso hands turn into balls of fist, but a twisted smile crosses his face. I knew something was going to go down..

Only one can win...

"Your not taking her" Calypso

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