A farewell

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~No one POV~

Black and blue armor. That was what the women walking towards the meeting room was wearing. Brown hair tied into a ponytail and her forest green eyes shining with determination.

She entered the room to see everyone talking and wearing all their own armor.

"I say we distract Directors agents and soldiers while Abby can get to the Director and take him out" Sarge said calmly. Abby walked further in. Everyone's gazes met hers. Something was different about her this time. She wasn't walking slightly lazily like she always does.

She walked with a soldiers demeanor. She held strength and power and no regret in each step.

"Wash, Maine, Felix and Tex will come with me. Were going to distract the agents. But Red and Blues I just need y'all to take out the soldiers." She said confidently. The reds nodded along with the others. But the man in the Teal armor stood up and made his way over to the young women.

"No way in hell your gonna go without me" he said. Abby shook her head.

"No Tucker. The blues need you. I'm sorry but you have to fight with them..." She said. He tried arguing but one look from Abby he shut his mouth and nodded.

"Locus and Christian are gonna be defending this place along with Locus' troops. Y'all are gonna cover us while we distract the agents. All their weapons are probably electrified so be careful" Abby stated. Everyone nodded.

"Time to move out"


Bullets rang in the air. Multiple bodies laid on the ground motionless, all dressed in white armor prototype.

The Reds and Blues were still shooting the soldiers, who seemed to be an endless supply of them.

"Damn how many people does this bitch have?!" Tucker yelled while stabbing a guys stomach, making him fall over dead.

"I don't know! It seems like there's just never an end!" Simmons shouted back and shot a guys shoulder. A grenade flew towards a groups of soldiers.

"Double-o-Donut always gets his man!" Exclaimed the pink, lightish red, one. Simmons groaned and yelled over the fire, "Donut I know what you mean. But please don't say it like that!"

Abby ran through a couple of soldiers, while shooting their heads in mid air of kicking one. Tex took out of a few as we'll and so did Maine, Felix, and Wash.

A yell of pain made Abby look back. Tex was in her knees and falling backward onto her back, holding her heart. Abby's eyes widened.

"Tex!!!" She screamed as she ran towards her. Church appeared immediately and a concerned look on his face. Abby took off Tex's helmet.

Tex was struggling a smile but coughed up blood.

"No no no no! Please Tex!" Abby yelled angry and horrified. Tex talked slowly.

"C-Coli... please take C-Church... G-get out o-of here... Y-your my friend... W-who I'll a-always treasure..." Tex said with her eyes starting to close. Church yelled.

"No Tex please don't leave! Run healing unit!!" He said while he was flickering, obviously trying to save her. Tex looked at church and smiled through the pain. A genuine smile that he hadn't seen in forever.

"I l-love you L-Leonard...." She said with her last breath. Her body relaxed and church screamed. If he could have cried, he would have cried an ocean. The one women he loved... A women who always came back... Gone... And wasn't returning.

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