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As the sun begins to set, the streets begin to roam with the dead little by little. Wren speeds up as we close in on the safe house. My fingers are crossed in my lap, hoping Jean and Jackson are there and safe.

We turn down the street and head straight for the safe house.

My heart jumps at the sight of the dead clawing at the fence surrounding the place.

"Shit." Wren says under his breath.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

Wren stops the car and takes a deep breath.

"Is there another way we can get in?" Darren asks.

"We blocked off any other entrances when we first found the place." Wren says. "The only way to get in is the front."

"Then we have to fight through it." I say. "He let you take guns, right?"

"Okay." Wren says, turning in his seat so that he can face both of us. "We have to make this quick. Move fast and shoot. We just have to make a path towards the gate."

I nod and look to Darren as he nods. Wren instructs me to grab the bag in the back. I quickly reach over, pulling the bag up to the back seat.

I unzip it to find at least four automatics and a couple handguns with ammo.

"What are these?" I pull out a heavy black tube like thing.

"They're called silencers. Twist it onto the pistol and it'll draw less attention to us." Darren explains. "Hurry."

I briskly hand them an automatic and a pistol each and tuck my pistol in my boot before I strap the automatic on my back.

I zip the bag back up before Wren takes it and straps it to his back.

"Ready?" Wren asks.

I nod again before we simultaneously open our doors and jump out. The walkers are scattered all around us but we head straight to the safe house. Darren is the first to raise his gun and start shooting then Wren then me.

We're jogging as we're shooting, hitting the walkers we shoot right in the head and watching their bodies drop only for a split second before we resume our shooting.

My heart pumps with adrenaline as we get closer and the crowd gets thicker. Wren stops and so do we but we still shoot.

"There's too many of them!" Darren yells but we still shoot. Wren clears a path and yells for us to run. I drop my aim and sprint along side Darren.

We make it to the gate and I push it open, looking back. My heart drops when I don't see Wren.

"Wren!" I scream. "Wren!"

"Nora!" Darren yells.

"Go inside!" I tell him as I raise my gun and begin to shoot, carefully. I hear another set of gunshots and then I see Wren. I drop aim again and yell for him to hurry. He sprints inside through the gate and I shut it behind me, making sure to lock it.

We make it inside and I'm in Wren's arms. The thought of losing him after everything makes me want to cry but I feel as if all my tears have been shed and there are none left. So I just stare at the wall behind him as he leans his head on mine.

"Uh guys." Darren says cautiously.

I let go of Wren to see Darren with his hands up and a distraught Jean aiming a gun to my brothers head. I begin to walk forward but then she surprises me by aiming the gun at me.

I frown as I look into her eyes.

I don't see the Jean I knew. All I see now is a broken Jean. A Jean who looks as if she's lost everything. At the thought, I look around the foyer but don't see Jackson. I look back to this broken woman and raise my hands slowly.

Waking Up in the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now