Dear Mr. President(s),

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Dear Mr. President(s),

I hate you. Yes I hate you.

You sent them into war,

Into hell filled with terror,


You sent them for a reason only known to you.

Was the gain worth the loss?

Dear Mr. President(s),

You sent my friends to their grave.

You ruined families.

You put the people that swore to protect this country with their lives in unnecessary danger.

I know you had your reasons.

Whether it was an anti-terror mission,

Public pressure from us citizens,

Or really, you just wanted their oil,

You still sent my friends to war.

They were willing to die for you and the country you run,

Yet you treated them like pawns.

Did you really listen to us? Or did you only follow your agenda?

Dear Mr. President(s),

I know you thought you were right.

I know that you could be right,

And wrong.

I know how hard it was to see my friends off to their death,

How hard it is for every one that says goodbye to their soldiers.

But is it hard for you?

Did Iran really have weapons of mass destruction?

Did you have to keep our troops in the Middle East after years of war that led to nothing but unnecessary death?

Do we have to get involved in every countries dispute?

Questions that deserve answers.

But get no response.

Dear Mr. President(s),

How many soldiers have you sent to die?

How many of those lives were acceptable losses?

How many lies have you told to keep the war going?

The war that drives your campaign.

The war that has sparked so much outrage,

Caused so much violence and unrest in the world.

Dear Mr. President(s),

Do you really care about our soldiers, our family, and our losses?

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