Day 1

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Day 1

Today is the first day they admitted you in the ICU. People who come to visit you are making faces looking at your bruised face. I still find you beautiful. Mom keeps telling me to go home and have a good sleep. But how can I, when you are here? Here, in this stupid ICU bed. To be honest I feel like killing that truck driver who drove literally into you. That killed my baby and put my wife in this horrendous place.

They shaved your lovely long hair. I know how much you loved them. You had a big clot in your brain which needed to be taken out, or else you would die. I couldn't let that happen. The whole of your left side of your body is more damaged than the right. I remember you watching that show, Greys Anatomy, and almost crying looking at the patients. I feel like we are a part of it now.

Your hands are cold, your face pale and looks lifeless. But I know that you are there behind this coma ridden body. I know you will wake up. My wife will wake up from this torture. These past few days have been horrible. I haven't been home at all, but with your situation as the doctors told, there is only a 9% chance of you waking up. I consider that 9% a big deal.

People are telling me to let you go. If they were in my position they wouldn't have said that. What in gods name made them say it? How can you let the love of your life die in front of your eyes? They tell me I am torturing you by letting you live with the help of the ventilator. I know its true. I know I am being selfish and literally forcing your body and soul to go through this pain. I can't help it. I don't want you to die. I can't even fathom the thought of living a life without you.

I love your eyes. I love your face. I love your hands. I love the little tricks you play with your eyes. I love your smile. I love how friendly you are with everyone. I love your nature. I love how you cuddle into me at night. I love everything about you. I love you.

The doctors also told me that if you wake up, there are very high chances you won't remember me or anything for that matter.

So I have decided that I will tell you everything about us in detail.

I hope you wake up soon.

I love you Jade Ophelia Payne.

Please wake up soon.

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