A Prank Gone Wrong

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A/N: And now we start to get into all the feels I have planned. Good luck with survival! After this chapter, no more Ms. Nice Fic-writer!


Your name is John Egbert, and this is one of the best pranks you've pulled in a long time.

With final exams and college acceptance letters and everything else that's been going on lately, you haven't had a lot of time for pranks. It's great picking up your art again, especially when the prank you're coming back with is this good. You need to ask Vriska how to make this stuff, it's glorious.

Carefully, you uncap the bottle and pour its contents into the gigantic punch bowl Jade has on the counter. Seriously, this thing is big enough to swim in. You're not sure why Jade felt the need to make so much punch, there's only 20 people here.

When the entire container is empty, you take a big metal spoon and stir the punch. Wow, this is a lot more challenging than you thought! This punch is so...gloppy? It's sticking to your spoon. Maybe it's the blue food coloring stuff? You hope no one notices before they drink it! It'll ruin the prank!

Finally, after quite a good arm workout, you manage to mix it all in and get the consistency to slightly less goo and slightly more liquid. You recap the bottle and bury it in Jade's trashcan (gotta hide the evidence). With a quick look around to make sure no one saw you, you bolt out of the kitchen, smile plastered on. This is gonna be so great!!


Your name is Vriska Serket, and as mentioned before, everything in your plan is working perfectly.

Lying to John with the pretense of an innocent prank was much too easy. Now that he's done his part, it's time for you to do yours.

You stick your head out of the kitchen and look around in the main living room. No one's there, it looks like they're all in other places at the moment. Excellent.

Carefully, you drag the punch bowl (you're grateful to Jade for using such a large one) into the living room, right on top of the dance floor. You grab the rope you had hidden behind the curtains and string up the punch bowl by its handle. Then, you tie another rope to the handle and leave it dangling. Slowly, you pull on the first rope and hoist the punch up into the shadows of the ceiling. Thank Gog for troll strength, this punch is heavy as fuck. When it's safely hidden, you tie the rope to the leg of her couch (once again, thank Gog for Grandpa Harley's taste in sturdy, unmovable furniture). The other rope you hide back behind the curtain for later use.

You step back and grin at your work. This is going to be fuuuuuuuun.


Your name is Rose Lalonde and you're feeling just a bit nostalgic.

Looking around, you see all your friends, trolls and humans alike. You can't help but remember all you've been through, all the memories you've shared, good and bad. It's bittersweet and hurts your heart in all the right ways.

"Get back here, you little shit!" Dirk yells, running past you after a laughing Jake.

"Better run Jakey, you know how he is with his hair!" Roxy calls after him, grinning at her boys. Jane is beside her, rolling her eyes with a soft smile on her face. He must have sprayed Dirk's hair with a water gun; you hope he doesn't get punched in the face.

Just across from them, you see Jade, Nepeta, and Feferi having a dance off against Equius, Eridan, and Sollux. The girls are winning, no contest.

Tavros is in the pool with Aradia, both of them chatting and laughing happily.

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