Chapter 1

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Nash's POV

"Yo Nash, we have to get going, like right now." Hayes said walking out of his room at the hotel.

"Where are we going?"

"Bart said yesterday that we are going to a fundraiser today to help the orphans." He said and I totally forgot about that. 

"Okay, I'm coming." I said. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, got dressed, brushed my hair and walked out the door behind Hayes.

We met up with the rest of the guys and got in the limo and went to the orphanage.

When we got there we all got out and walked into the place. A lady greeted us and call a bunch of different aged girls down stairs, Its a orphanage for only girls.

"Oh my god, Its the magcon boys." A girl around fifteen or sixteen said. Some of the girls knew who we were and we signed stuff for them but one girl stuck out to me.

She was a little girl who sat on the couch playing with a doll. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hi whats your name?" I asked her and she looked up at me.

"Ryan, I five." She said holding up one hand.

"Well, I'm Nash and I'm 17." I said and she started counting her fingers.

"I only have ten fingers, I can't make seventeen." She said holding up both of her hands.

"Why aren't you playing with the other girls?"

"Because they say I to small to play with them because they all big girls."

"Well do you wan't to play with me?"

"really, can we play dolls. No one ever plays dolls with me." She said and I nodded. She ran over to a basket with her name on it and pulled out a doll and handed it to me.

We played for like an hour then Bart said it was time to go. there was a bunch of fans outside who came to support for the fundraiser and stuff so I had a little bit of time before we actually were going to leave.

"Hey Ryan, you wanna come home with me?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded.

"Good because I want you to come with me too." I said picking her up.

I walked up the the lady who greeted us in the beginning and talked to her about adopting Ryan and she explained everything to me and all that then let me sign the papers and she was officially mine. She took me to her room and we got all of her stuff together and We walked back down stairs.

"And who is this little one?" Taylor asked.

"I Ryan, I five see." She said holding up her hand in his face.

"I'm Taylor, but we have to go, bye-"

"She is coming with us." I said and he gave me a weird look.

"You adopted her, Bart is going to be pissed." He whispered.

"And, the tour ends in like three days so he won't have to be worried about it." I said and we walked out the the limo. I was the first to get in and then Taylor. The others stopped to sign stuff and take pictures and all that then got in.

I would have stayed but I didn't want Ryan to be stuck out there and I guess Taylor just wanted to get in.

"Whoa did you kidnap her or something?" Hayes asked once everyone was in the limo.

"No,I adopted her. Why would i kidnap her. You sound like an idiot." I said and everybody was shocked.

"Hi I Ryan, I five, what your name?" She asked in her adorable voice and everyone aww'd.

Adopted //Nash Grier// {{On Hold}}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant