Chapter 1

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From that moment, everything changed.nothing became the same since that day.It all happened at that party..that stupid,stupid, could he do that?! How could I not save him? It all started when I had a New Year's Eve party at home. Everyone was dancing, drinking punch,having fun, until it happened. I lost him. I lost my brother.

We were so close!! If I had a problem, I'd go to him. And he'd help me. I had a feeling that he was not happy....he had been very quiet lately...he hasn't went on his daily morning runs in weeks,he stopped having breakfast, which was "his most important meal of the day", I quote of when he used to say that to me  every morning.

A few days ago, he broke up with his girlfriend, who he was very close to. He used to have movie nights with her, dates every week... But everything changed when he broke up with her... She broke up with him, might I add, for another jock dude who was so cocky and full of himself. She wasn't that type of girl who would cake herself up with make-up or anything, she was really nice and humble, which is why he fell in love with her. I still remember the day she dumped him..


I was at home having dinner when i heard the front door open and after a few seconds, slam shut which was so loud my plate shook. Then i saw a mad looking Adam storming into the kitchen with re puffy eyes like he had been crying. After a few seconds, he grabbed a plate of cold spaghetti and heated it in the microwave and then stormed again upstairs into his room I suppose. I ran up after him but he locked his door. i knocked and knocked but he never opened. eventually i gave up and went to my room. After a few hours, i heard very loud music playing from his room. i went and knocked again (since the door was locked), fortunately, this time he opened. His eyes were still red and puffy from crying. I sat down on his bed and stared at him until he was ready to explain.

"what happened?" i asked him." Jessica broke up with me" , he replied. At first i was shocked, my jaw dropped. Two impossible things just happened, one, Jessica is so nice i can't imagine her do that. Two, i don't have the slightest idea why Adam was crying because he was not one to cry. Three, they were inseparable! Adam and Jessica were always together. Okay, maybe that was 3 things, but screw it.

We talked about it and after all, he was fine. But i still couldn't believe Jess would do such a thing

*end of flashback*

I would never forget the next day when i went up to her  and told her off in front of the whole school. That was a great day! But i will never forget he day that Byotch dumped him, and I never will.






Hey guys! (if anybody was actually reading this)

So this was my first chappie and i hope you guys liked it and i apologize that its really short and all!

This is my first actual story and i really hope you guys like it!




Sara xxx

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