Chapter 6

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** 2 weeks later ** ~ Peeta's pov

We now know what happened to make the baby develop quicker, Haymitch sent us a note saying that the tracker that Katniss got made it happen, so I guess Mags was right about that. There have been quite a lot of deaths recently though now there is only 2 careers left though if they come after us they will be out numbered. We have extended our alliance further. By now we have Katniss and I, Finnick but  sadly we lost Mags. We were in the woods sleeping one night when katniss woke up scream, my first instinct was the baby, but she wasn't clutching her stomach only her hand, she jumped up, " guys come on WAKE UP! Hurry the fog it's poisonous!" We started running but after awhile I could see Katniss struggling! I tried to carry her but in the end Mags sacrificed her life so that me and Finnick could carry her. I know Katniss feels responsibly and guilty about her death. Also we now have Joahana and Beetee.

By now it's getting dark and I am making my way back from the forrest, in the section I now is safe, we now know that the arena is in a form of a clock, with a new threat every hour. I must have been gone for a few hours at most, from collecting some berries and some meat for our dinner, with the help of our rolls of bread and Finnick's sea food when I hear Katniss wimping in pain, " Where is... HE?" 

" Don't worry Katniss he won't be long now, you'r doing great, just breath!" 

Oh god! The baby! I make my way to her running now! Why couldn't I hear her before now! I was supposed to be there for her. I know she was scared of giving birth as it was, let alone giving birth in the arena! When I finally see her there lying on the ground with both hands on her stomach I run faster. " Katniss he's coming okay! I see him now!" 

"Katniss, Katniss it's okay I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry I couldn't be here sooner!" 

"I'm just glad you'r here now! ARRGGGGHHHH!"

"SHHH it's okay Katniss I'm here, just breath okay breath!" 

" Mhhm Peeta, I think she needs to start pushing now!" Beetee is now checking her, I feel uncomfortable when he does this, but then again I don't have a slightest clue about childbirth so I guess he's useful. 

"Peeta I want to push! Please tell me I get to push now!" 

"Woah Katniss not yet!" Beetee rubs both of her knees calming her down a bit. " Okay Katniss, Katniss listen to me, next time you feel a contraction coming then you can start pushing okay? Peeta when you see her starting to push count slowly to 10 okay!"

She starts pushing and then I start my counting! And then I hear it! I look over to the other side of the arena and see that the roof of it is falling!

"Woah Katniss stop for a sec, good I can see the baby's head a phew more pushes and you can say hello to your child! Huh Peeta consontrate now will you!"  

"Mmm Beetee I don't think we have time for a phew more pushes." 

Beetee follows my glance as does Katniss and then they see it I hear Katniss starting to panic. 

"Katniss don't worry the main thing here is that we get the baby out healthy okay so give a massive push okay GO GO GO GO GO GO STOP! Okay breath breath okay? GO GO GO GO GO GO!"Then I hear it a tiny baby screech I look at Katniss who is starting to cry happy but relives tears! My.. SON! Beetee places him into Katniss arms and then I see the ladder, and Haymitch's voice! "HURRY GET ON! WE DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TIME YOU NOW!" But he smiles as he says it? What the hell is going on! I think we should probably climb the ladder because you know.. The arena is kind of falling to pieces! "Are you okay to get up Katniss?" She nods a little but her face crumples as I help her up with one hand and hold our handsome baby boy in the other! I let Katniss go first so I make sure she gets up alright with a help of Haymitch at the top we all get in! 

Then he starts to explain to me, Beetee, Finnick and Joahana what's going on while Katniss and little baby boy gets a check up. 

" So guys I bet you've all heard of the rebels right well for years now they have been gaining the trust of all the Districts without the Capital knowing. They are based underground at District 13.So they wanted the right time to start the war between the Capital and the Districts, they had the trust but they needed the spark, that spark was Katniss! Every one felt so wrong about making a poor woman giving birth in the arena that they toke action. Basically some went to destroy the arena, hovercrafts  went to bomb the Capital and others... went to kill President Snow, he was hanged today! So there are no more Hunger Games, no more war, no more Capital over powering the Districts! Basically guys...We're free!"

Right in that moment Katniss is being wheeled into the room, with little baby boy in her arms, and for the first time in a very long time she looks at peace, even Haymitch smiles! 

I make my way over to her, " Hey gorges, ready to take baby boy here home!" 

Her smile widens, " Really? No more Games!" 

"No they're over, forever!"

" Sure let's take Rye home!" 


"Sorry, I just had two names stuck in my head, Rye if it was a boy."

"And if it was a girl?"


"Well I love the name," I turn to little Rye.  "Hey Rye, Ahh hey buddy you ready to go home." He answer in a little smile.

" Peeta, I love you so much..."

" I love you too Katniss."

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