Part 1; Another Day

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Hi guys! So this is my first story that I have ever written so just give me advice and any ideas. All my love!! ~Keni (that is Holly up above)

"Holly!!! Get up!!" said my best friend Lauriel shaking me so violently.
I rolled over to face her. "Why must you be so violent in the morning! You know I'm a night owl! I'm not a morning person!" I said while rubbing my eyes and fumbling to find my glasses.

 "Well I am AND  I would love to get to school not late for once!" Lauriel said while grabbing her mix of elvish and witchy clothing.

 I have lived with Lauriel for the past year now. Ever since my dad died and my mother was so sad she would just shut me out.  She also married a hella evil husband so I told myself that I HAD to get out of there. We both had crazy parents so we decided to cash in our money and buy an apartment.

 Lauriel was so pretty! Yes she was pale but it just suits her. She had purple hair and a crazy wicked sense of style. As for me, I was the retro chick. I loved things from the 70s all the way to the 90s. I was a biracial child so I had a complexion of brown sugar mixed with milk. I had very big and curly black hair and I was thinking of getting it permanently straight and maybe dying it red like black widows. I was a marvel freak! I loved superheros so the instinct of red hair just came to me.

I slowly got up and dragged my feet all the way to the kitchen to make some cereal. After about 10 minutes of thinking and eating my Fruit Loops, my thoughts were interrupted by several bangs against the front door. It could only be him. My ex boyfriend. Aaron and I were going steady for maybe 6 months until I walked into the girls bathroom at school and caught him making out with Brittany Caliver AKA the school slut. 

Brittany went from jocks one day to basketball players the next. I knew it was Aaron because: 1. My friends had a special rhythm for our knocks,  2. The mailman would only knock once if he had some neighborhood gossip and 3. Aaron always shouts whenever he does something. I started to panic. The last time Aaron came to tell me something I had a blue and purple mark on my arm for a week. 

"LAURIEL!! CODE 500!!" I yelled up the stairs. Lauriel immediately ran downstairs holding a foam baseball bat which hurts a lot. Let's just say that one of my friends Foxy had a black eye for a while. Anyways, Lauriel opened the door to reveal a red eyed Aaron with flowers and chocolates.

 I was shocked myself to see this bad boy with red eyes and flowers.  Aaron never cried and he was so cruel and cold hearted that he would never buy me any gifts. "Holly...I-I need you" Aaron said making eye contact with me and barely noticing Lauriel in front of his face and swinging the bat at his cheek. Aaron howled while rubbing his cheek. I walked up behind Lauriel and said"GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD AARON! I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE!!" I said. I slammed the door on his face and ran upstairs to get dressed for school. 

Superman muscle tee and jeans it is. I hurriedly put on my clothes and walked out the door with my Doughnut backpack and a cup of coffee in my hand. Lauriel was already way ahead of me. She already made herself comfy in my mini-van by choosing her Harry Potter mash up. As I sat in my drivers seat I looked at her and we both said in sync "Today is a good day!"

So what did you think of Aaron?
Do you think hes a bad guy?
Should Holly give him another chance?

Leave all your ideas and recommendations in the comments! Love ya loads!


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