Part 2; Nothing will stop me

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Hey guys! Here's another chapter to my story! Hope you like it. Love and Magic, Keni

As we arrived to school, our army of misfits were waiting for us at the door. 

Foxy was one of the good friends that knows how to scare people to death. She has brown pixie cut hair and has and eye patch over her eye. As I said before....that foam bat REALLY hurts but she was fine with it. Of course it was for show and to get people curious and it went with her look. Next we had Samantha but we call her Harley Quinn. Half of her hair is died red and the other half black. She mostly wears it in pigtails to look childish. We call her Harley Quinn because she will do anything for the Joker or Jack and she can be a little devil sometimes. Next we have Jack, AKA the Joker. Jack has his curly hair died green and always has a creepy smile on his face. He knows how to seduce anyone into doing anything for him. My next friends name is Ivy. She LOVESSSS plants and is an eco freak. But if you get on her bad side, she has a few plants that'll make you nauseous. Lastly we have Mya AKA sleeping beauty. She will sleep through ANYYYYTTTHIIINNG and whenever she sleeps she has a way of making other people sleepy too. 

Well those are my best friends but Lauriel is the best of them all. She's so graceful and elegant but give her any weapon and she kicks ass. As we walked in the school I was suddenly pushed and pinned against a locker. "Now you listen to me, you take me back or I will force you to. Trust me when I say this, I have my ways. Don't even think that for a minute tat any of your little friends can stop me!" Aaron said while walking away. 

My eyes were as wide as a dear in headlights. I felt dizzy and everything started fading. The last thing I heard was "HOLLY EVERYTHING'S OKAY.." I couldn't tell who said it but I knew they were lying.


"Holly.... Holly time to wake up hon." My eyes flashed opened and I looked around seeing that I was in the nurse's office. "Ugh" I said clutching my head "How long have I been out?" The nurse had blue and red hair "About an hour hon." She said while typing on her computer nosily. "Can I go back to class?" I asked hopefully. I loved school...well let's just say I love art class and journalism. She nodded "Just make sure you come back here if your head hurts ok." Happily I responded "Okay!" I ran as fast as I could to get to art. Nothing will bring me down especially Aaron.
Well what do you think?
Will Aaron do something to Holly?
Will she have to use defense forces?

Until next time my lovelies

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