Chapter 1- New neighbors

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Beginning of summer

Emily's pov:
I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I jumped out of bed and did all that girly stuff.

"Are you up sweetie" mum shouted
"Yeah mum I'm up" I screamed back
"Go help your new neighbors" mum suggested "Do I have to"
"Yeah you do"
"Fine I'll go" I said with annoyance in my voice. That's when I walked to the wardrobe.

I picked out a long (just below the knee) mint green dress with white vans, my nerd glasses. I put my hair up in a high pony tail ( my hair is bright red).

I walked out the house and down the street and met Aria on the way. We walked up to the door and knocked the the door swung open and their stood Nash, Nash grier.

"Ello mate" I finally had enough courage to speak "welcome to the neighborhood" Aria said "why thank you" Nash spoke.

Nash's pov:
We just got off the airplane me, Hayes, Elizabeth, dad, Shawn, Skyln and Cameron called a cab the rest of the guys will be here later.

We pulled up out side the house, man it was huge a bit different but still amazing.

A couple hours later

We just finished unpacking when I heard a knock on the door "Ello mate I'm Emily and that's Aria" The girl with bright red hair spoke.
"Hayes get your butt down here now" I screamed really loud.

Hayes pov:
I heard Nash screamed for me. I ran down the stairs to see 2 girls standing at the door, the girl with bright red hair caught my eye, she was pretty gorgeous even.

"Hayes !" Nash shouted at me, I guess I zoned out "oh, hi I'm hayes". "I'm Aria, that's Emily" the girl with the blue-dyed hair said.

So basically our mum's forced us to come over and help, so here we are" Emily said."umm yeah you can come help me and Aria will help Shawn" I spoke "yeah sure" they said in sync.

Me and Emily walked up stairs to my room "so... what are you into" I asked trying to be kind "well I play football, volleyball, penny boarder and basket ball" she spoke.

I just stared at her like oh my gosh she's beautiful. She has bright red hair and bright blue eyes also she has rosy cheeks.

"You're beautiful" those words slipped out of my mouth " what?" "Nothing" I blushed madly.

Emily's pov:
"What" I blushed I pretended I didn't here it. He called me beautiful.

Thank you for reading my first chapter go follow my best friend Sophie her urser name is XShawns-MuffinsX

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