The morbid words

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I was standing at the boarder to camp Half-Blood. I wasn't looking forward to being here, but I had to if I wanted a quest. For a quest you had to go to the Oracle Delphi and get a prophecy, which was helpful, and you had to take two other people with you, which is why I don't usually go on quests. The reason I didn't like it here was people. I hated guys and people touching me, and I have a good reason why. So anywhere you will possibly have to talk to a guy or that is crowded I pretty much try to avoid. I sighed and walked into the camp Kitty and Moo following me. Kitty was a Golden retriever and Moo was a Doberman pinscher. I got them when I was little so don't judge their names. Once I was at the big house I found Chiron on the porch.

"What is it?" Chiron said when he saw me, worry clear in his voice.

"I need a quest." I then explained everything that happened in the past two weeks about Ray up to my dream last night, minus the first part. When I was done he nodded deep in thought.

"Go talk to the Oracle." I went up to the attic where I found the mummy Delphi.

"How will I find my sister Ray?" I had been in here before so I didn't really look around, I stayed focused on Delphi. The mummy turned its head and green mist swirled out of its mouth.

'In the center of you greatest fear,

You must face or lose what you hold dear,

Love and hate much the same,

But only one can change the game,

Without help you will fail,

But you alone know the trail,

If you make it you you can't lie,

And not everyone will make it home alive.'

I felt a shiver go up my spine at the morbid words. Now I just need to get the others...


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