Chapter 1 Don't Leave

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Hello! Before I start, I would like to say that there will be a few trigger warnings within this story but of course when they arise, I will announce it on the top of the chapters so if anything offends you, please look out for those.

Thank you!

"Can I get three espressos and one vanilla latte? For one of two of the espressos can I have two scoops of sugar and in the vanilla latte can I have a chocolate drizzle and whip cream and..."Celeste monotonously read off the post it note to the barista.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?" The barista asked, ready to write on the cup.

Internally, she groaned but spoke again with a smile.

This sucks.

I didn't graduate top of my class to be a coffee runner. I should be out there presenting cut throat ideas to my managers and leading new business ventures. I didn't make the library my second home for this. I spent my last four summers being an intern and errand girl; I shouldn't be doing that post-graduation.

I can do so much more than this.

She sat down on an empty seat by the window and stared out the window. The brunette exhaled, relaxing her shoulders. Of course this was inevitable, the job market sucks and finding a decent job in a bustling city like Los Angeles is tricky, especially with fresh grads refreshing ever hour and she knew that. Regardless, she believed she was overqualified for most of the positions but never heard back from the companies she interviewed for.

Sometimes she wondered if it was because she was a woman or because she wasn't assertive enough.

"Celeste!" The barista announced, placing the cup holder full of hot coffee on the counter.

With a huff, Celeste stood up and smoothed out her pencil skirt before walking over.

"Hm?" Her eyes widened when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a tall young man attached to the hand.

Ah, what a beautiful person.

He had long pitch black hair and piercing brown eyes speckled with gold flecks, covered by long eyelashes.

Without even noticing, she locked her azure eyes on his and found them drawing her in. They were so dazzling, as if God himself had placed golden honey drops into his eyes. He stared as deeply back to her, making her stomach churn.

Still in awe of his beauty, Celeste almost forgot to ask why he was touching her.

"Oh! you need—." She stopped short when he grinned from ear to ear.

"I found you!" Placing his other hand on her empty shoulder, he pulled her into his chest. He held her tightly yet she didn't feel crushed.

Her cheeks flushed pink and shimmied herself out of his embrace. "Hey! Who are you—. Never mind, I don't care. I don't have time for this." Sticking her nose in the air, she turned on her heel and grabbed her coffee tray.

"W-Wait!" He extended his hand, reaching for any part of her. "Ode—!"

"Hey man, you can't go around grabbing girls like that," A man chastised, standing up from his seat.

The black haired male looked at him with bewildered eyes. "What? No, she isn't—."

With the café's door closing shut behind her, Celeste speed walked as fast as she could away from the building. She was careful enough not to spill any of the coffee but still fast enough to have a reasonable distance from the café.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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