Chapter three: Edward and Harry

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He was drowning. The heavy feeling on his chest was a great burden on him. He wanted to open his eyes and see some light to pacify his trembling state but to no avail. His whole body was heavy. He knew he was alive but it more of felt like he was a living corpse.

Edward was scared.

Help me. Harry. He kept on muttering the same words though his mouth never once moved. It was all in his head, his mind was speaking for him. Edward needed Harry, especially during his frantic times.

It was dark and he couldn’t see a thing. He kept on reaching his hand hoping he could grasp onto something warm and breathing. He was crying but he didn't feel the warmness of the tears on his cheeks. Edward was flowing with the currents, constantly choking on the water but it never once hurt him.

Am I dead? Do dead people undergo this phase?

Edward was ready to surrender. His arms that were striving hard to make contact with something or possibly someone had relinquished. There’s no more hope for him, Harry wasn’t there to help him and the mere thought of his brother’s absence made his heart throb painfully.

I guess this is the end for me... see you in the after life.

But the thought of finally submerging to complete oblivion turned out to be erroneous. Instead of seeing the light and the pathway towards heaven, he saw a different radiance. One that was too blinding and that actually burns his eyes.

That is when he finally woke up.

Edward had been in coma for 5 months. He woke up to 3 people who he didn’t even know. He was petrified of seeing the strangers, he felt as if it was better if he just died. Truth be told that the first person he desperately wanted to see was Harry.

But there was no Harry, instead there were people whose identities were unknown.

“Edward, you’re awake.” Edward’s vision was hazy but he clearly knew who the voice belonged to.

“...uncle... Steve?” he tried his best to let the words fly out his tiny mouth though it did hurt his throat a lot. It felt too dry for his liking and his mouth tasted bad.

“Yes Eddie. Are you feeling fine?” his uncle asked but his tone conveyed no sign of concern. It sounded too dull as if he didn’t really care if Edward died on the spot. The whole ordeal felt like a threat for the curly boy because he, not even once, trusted his father’s unethical brother.

“Oh why am I even asking, you’re awake and I’m so happy.” Steve smiled who’s obviously doing his best to put on a credible act. But Edward was smart enough to see through him. His real intentions were visible on the child’s eyes.

“What do you want Steve?” Edward roughly hissed despite feeling drained, he still managed to glare at his good for nothing uncle.

“What I want? I want to help you Ed... Can’t you see I just saved your life when your parents should be the one in charged of this?” the moment Steve mentioned his parents, Edward swiftly shifted his body, immediately regretting the action as a pang of pain stung his back.

“Don’t sit baby boy, you’re still sore.”

“Where are my parents? Where are mum and dad? Harry... Where’s Harry?!” he ignored his uncle’s kind advances as the delicate boy cried for the most significant people in his life. He needed Harry the most. Only his twin brother could appease him whenever he’s trembling this much.

“Harry? Well you see Ed...” Steve paused, his gaze wandering aimlessly. His face showed a great sign of hesitation whether to tell the child the synopsis or not. But Edward was too eager to hear the news if it involves Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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