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I looked at Sebastian and was waiting for the answer to my question, "well, young lord, I still love this person" Sebastian said, "Sebastian, I am 19 not 12, why do you insist on calling me young lord" I said putting my arms across my chest, "because you are still young, compared to many" he said giving me that oh so beautiful smirk, I just rolled my eyes and sat up, "who is the person" I asked a little angrily, "do not ask anymore questions young lord, it is quite early in the morning" Sebastian said in response and laid me down, I looked at the little analog clock on my bedside cabinet, '3:18' yes, it was early in the morning, "I'm not going to sleep until you tell me who you love Sebastian" I said calmly, praying he wouldn't figure out why I was needing an answer.

"My young lord, I wish you didn't make me do this" Sebastian said placing a hand on my head and chanting something, he slowly moved away and smiled, I felt my eyes grow heavy, my body sink into the bed. "S-Sebas-tian" was all I could muster before closing my eyes and sleeping.

Sebastian was laying on the bed with a blade in his chest, "ciel, you will be mine" I heard from behind me, I turned to see Alois Trancy, the prick killed my lover boy, "leave me alone Trancy" I screamed kicking him in the balls and running into...

"Wake up my young lord" I heard slowly opening my eyes to see Sebastian passing me a cup of tea, "aghh, my head, hurts, so much" I responded rubbing the back if my head before taking a sip of tea, "yes my lord, that's what happens when a demon puts you to sleep" Sebastian said calmly before getting on one knee, is Sebastian going to propose or something, I thought slightly flushed in the cheeks, "my lord, you asked a question early this morning do you remember what it was" Sebastian said looking up at me, "um, I, don't know" I said the flush getting darker, I knew the question but didn't want to say anything, I felt too embarrassed all ready, "well my lord, you asked me who I loved" he stood up getting closer to me, close enough I could no longer see my reflection in his attractive crimson eyes...I didn't mean attractive I meant demonic, yeah, demonic.

"Young lord, you have 4 days till you are to be married to lady Elizabeth" Sebastian said exiting the room, I sat there I took another sip of tea, spitting it out, "it's, cold" I said to myself, I put the cup down, not wanting to drink cold tea, "Sebastian" I yelled, "yes my young lord" Sebastian was in front of me within a few seconds, "who, do you love" I asked rather embarrassed, my cheeks almost the same colour as Sebastian's eyes, "well my lord, I love someone who I shouldn't, for you see this person doesn't feel the same for me as they do towards the person on which they are betrothed" Sebastian said, a small pool of tears building in his eyes, his smile had faded to an upset look, "I-I-love..." I stammered before the door swung open, "ciel" I heard a really annoying high pitched squeal, I looked up to the face to see my betrothed, "lady Elizabeth, you shouldn't be here, you should be getting ready for the wedding" Sebastian said looking at lady Elizabeth, she was not attractive compared to Sebastian, I didn't want to hide the fact from anyone that I was gay and in love with Sebastian, because both of those were unacceptable.

"Well, you see, I'm calling off the wedding" Lizzy said, she looked a little sad about it, but yet, she looked happy, "good, can you leave now" I said hugging her, "I have to deal with something" I said, she smiled, I hope she will always stay happy, "ok, bye ciel, I'm glad we can just be friends" she said smiling and giving me a hug before leaving, I'm happy she's happy, "now, Sebastian who was the one you love" I asked turning to see Sebastian standing right behind me, "my lord, I can't tell you, I am not aloud to give up on a good game like this" Sebastian said lifting me up and carrying me to my bedroom.

I took a deep breath, I loved him, but did he love me, he is playing with my emotions, well, two can play at that.

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