Part 3

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Naho's point of view

I've been here in the world of psycho pass for about a week now. i have no clue what point in the plot i was at. hopefully i was at the begining. that way i could change the plot around a little. 

i've made that my goal. to at least try to stop the people fated to die from dying. especially yuki. i've grown close to her these past few days. 

i set the second book to the series down on the table. it was one of the three books yuki has gotten for me. the first book i have finished in 3 days tops. very smutty. i approved of it. now i'm onto the second book of the series. 

"you have a visitor!" that hologram which i have named shizu chimed in interupting my thoughts. who would be visiting me? i don't remember inviting anyone over. 

carefully i walked over to the door and peered through the looking hole thingy. a male stood there. i didn't recognize him as any of the characters i knew from the series. i opened the door. "can i help you?" i asked. 

he gave me a sheepish smile. "sorry to be bothering you but i have a package." i noticed a small box under his arm. "oh?" i replied. "i need you to sign this." he said holding out a small tablet and pen. i did as i was told and took the package. "thank you." 

nodding, he left.

i studied the package carefully. i don't remember ordering things. there wasn't even a label from where it came from on it.

i carefully opened it. inside was a envelope along with a small device. i opened the envelope to read the note which said the following:

dear user, 

we are proud to inform you of our newest security system. please update your current hologram with these instructions. 

i sighed. guess security here is being upgraded. 


i laid in bed staring at the ceiling watching the fan spin its blades. today was pretty uneventful. maybe tomorrow i should try to find something to do.

i rolled over onto my side. it was only 8:58pm. maybe a night time stroll would put my wondering mind at ease. 


"you are not prohibited beyond this point. please turn around and continue on your way. i repeat..." i tuned out the robots warning message. i was sitting in a park. across the street, a building was placed under investigation by the MWPSB. i guess someone was killed or something. i watched as police entered and exited the building. that's when i saw her. akane. 

getting up i walked over to where she was standing. she was outside the barrier along with a few others. thus, giving me a chance to talk with her.

"hey akane!" i called out with a wave. "sorry to be bothering you while you're on duty."

as i approached her, one of the males she was with eyed me with a glare. i ignored it. 

"hey Naho. i can't talk for long, sorry." she told me. "is this one of your friends." the male glarring at me said. i looked up and recognized him a kogami. a cigarette hanged loosely from his lips. akane nodded. 

"what happened?" i asked. "i can't go into detail but someone was killed. we don't know who did it so they could still be in the area." she told me. i took it all in. maybe i should leave. go home. especially if said murderer was still in the area. 

i said my goodbyes and walked back into the park. i should go home. but i'm not going to. instead i sat down back on that park bench and watched the police work.

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