Chapter 4

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I could barely watch the movie. I jumped at ever sound. I didn't dare move, trying to blend in with the night. The guys were right. I wasn't ready. I think I've had enough of outside for one lifetime. I just wanted to go back home and hide in my bedroom like a third child who wants to live. There was so much open space I wasn't used to. I hadn't pictured there being this many people in the world. I looked around for Dallas. Not that I didn't feel safe around Johnny, I did, it's just that it was impossible to be scared when Dallas was protecting you. Now he was nowhere to be seen. The only other people sitting in the chairs were two baron girls. If they turned around, they'd see me sunken into a shaking ball, obviously scared out of my wits. Boy was I glad they were engrossed in the movie. My mouth was so dry, I tasted blood in my throat. My hands clutched the armrests so tight I didn't think I'd ever get them off. How could Dallas do this every day? A few more minutes, and I'll have completely lost my mind. 

Until Dallas showed up again. 

But he didn't look at us. He went up behind the girls in the seats and started flirting with them and saying dirty things in there ears. 

"Get outta here or I'll call the cops!" Exclaimed one of them.

"Cops? Baby I break the law every day. You think I'd care if you call the cops?" 

My jaw would've dropped at that had I not been frozen in fear. 

The girl splashed her drink in his face. "Maybe that'll cool you off, fonrol!" 

Dallas didn't react. He just started being dirty with the girls and I swore I was gonna throw up. I mean, I've heard about people doing that, but I've never actually seen it.

"Stop it, Jesse." Johnny said so softly, I could barely hear. But Dallas looked up in surprise and then left. 

Confused with what just happened, I turned to Johnny. He was back in his seat, holding onto my arm and watching the movie. 

"You're not gonna start that on us are ya?" I jumped and shrieked at the sudden sound of one girl's voice. 

"No. No we're not." I say skittishly.

"I'm sorry if I startled you." Then she leans closer to me and softly whispers in my ear, "you're one of THEM, aren't you?" 

I stared at her. "Huh?" I managed to squeak past my lips. 

"You know," her eyes dart around a little, "a third?"

"What? No!" I tried to look offended, but I was a little freaked out about being this close to a stranger. 

"It's okay! I've got an illegal little brother." 

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"She's tellin' the truth, Hal. She don't like the Population Law much." Johnny says. 

"Hal. Is that your real name or the one on your fake ID? Well, never mind. I'm so rude. Cherry Valence." She held out her hand. I tried to take note of her features. Red hair. Green eyes. Thin nose. Chances were, I'd completely forget what she looked like as soon as one of us turned away; of the 12 other people who know I exist, the only faces that have ever stuck in my head were my family and maybe the gang. But I mainly knew the gang by other qualities. 

I shook her hand stiffly; I'd never shaken someone's hand before. I decided against telling her that Hal wasn't my real name and I had in fact only gotten it this afternoon. 

We talked for a while and I felt a little bit more relaxed. At least until someone came up behind us and said, "Population Police!" 

My back stiffened and my eyes grew in fear. My heartbeat filled my ears.

"Two-bit!" Exclaimed Johnny.

"Huh?" I turn around and see Two-bit standing there, ginning like a maniac.

"Don't do that!" Johnny said.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist." Laughed the redhead.

"You couldn't resist what? Being a total jerk?" That time it was Cherry.

I turn to her. Now, the other girl next to her was looking. She looked about as pale and scared as I felt. Our eyes met for a second before Two-bit started talking to the girls.

I looked back at Cherry and, as I predicted, her face didn't look the least bit familiar. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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