Nico Goes To The Movies

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Today was really sunny. One could even call it especially sunny, which really sucked. Call me cynical, but I just really hated the sun, or anything bright really. It's too bright, and after awhile it really starts to hurt.
I sigh. I should have brought sunglasses, but I didn't think I would need them, since I was going to the movies with Will, Piper, and Jason. Apparently, never going to a movie theater is some kind of crime, but it's not like any of us have had the time to do something like that, what with the whole Gaia trying to kill us thing taking up our past few months and even more things trying to kill us these past years before. But I guess today was my lucky day, and even though modern technology is fucking weird, I was still a little bit excited, because I've never been able to do something like this... Something so normal.
Will and I sat in some shade while Piper and Jason got the tickets. I was a little bit antsy, but Will looked calm as ever. He and I were making small talk, commenting on things like the weather and what we thought the movie was going to be like. I was acting natural, but deep down, I was really nervous. Will and I had been hanging out a lot these last few weeks at camp, but I still wasn't sure what I was to him. Actually, it was more like I wasn't sure what he was to me. I could tell that Will was trying to be my friend, and I was just happy he managed to keep it up for so long. Most people by now would get tired of me, but I guess Will was stubborn.
We continued to talk, until Piper and Jason came over with the tickets.
"Ok, guys, we had good news and bad news." Jason said, taking a seat next to me. Piper sat on my other side, between me and Will. "Which would you guys like to hear first?"
"Bad, obviously." I say, trying not to sound irritated.
"Ok, well, the bad news is that the movie sold out," Piper started, "buuuuut the good news is that the same movie is showing in an hour in IMAX 3D!"
I blink, and Will busted out a laugh before getting it under control.
"L-look at Nico's face!" He said, and I guess he was right to laugh. My face had a look of horror, annoyance, and confusion on it, because 1) I had no idea what IMEX or whatever was, 2) I didn't want to wait, and 3) what the fuck is a 3D movie. I fix my expression and give Will a dark look, then regret it, but he doesn't seem to mind.
"Well, crew, we have an hour to kill, and it's almost noon, so why don't we grab a bite to eat?" Jason suggests, standing up and clapping me on the shoulder. We all agree, and start walking down the mall, deciding what sounds good to eat. Jason and Piper walked in front, hand in hand, and Will and I walked a few steps back. It could have just been me, but Will seemed to be walking really close.
We continued to walk, and Will turned to me.
"IMAX is a surround-sound, immersive movie experience." He explained. "And 3D movies pop out at you with movie effects and these funny glasses you wear, so it's like you're really in the movie."
Will continued to explain all about 3D and IMAX to me, and although I didn't tell him, I was really, really glad. I didn't ask how he knew I didn't know. Will seemed to know what I was thinking sometimes, which was both comforting and unnerving at the same time.
As we continued to walk, Will's hand slightly brushed mine, and what felt like a jolt of electricity bolted up my arm and all throughout my body. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like it.
Finally, we found an Italian place that looked good, and we went inside to eat. It was a pretty authentic place, and the owners spoke Italian, which was fun because I spoke Italian, and I ordered in so. Everyone seemed impressed, but despite usually wanting to crawl into a hole at times like these, I kind of liked the positive attention.
"Hey Nico," Piper started, grabbing for a bread roll, "how do you say, 'I love you' in Italian?"
I blush. "Uh, just 'ti amo' or 'io ti amo'" I said, and Piper turned dramatically to Jason, looked him in the eye, and said "Ti amo!" Like some kind of dramatic movie star. She sighed, then took a bite and tore off some of her roll. Jason laughed, and the whole scene was so funny and gross that I had to look away, but I accidentally looked away and right into Will's eyes. He blinked at me, and I don't know why, but my face flushed.
I stood up and declared that I had to use the bathroom, then rushed over to the restroom, face burning.
I entered the room and locked the door, then went to the sink and splashed my face with water.
What was wrong with me? Why was I getting so embarrassed? Why is it so hard to just talk to Will? These questions all swam around in my head before I decided I'd locked myself away long enough. I dried off and went back out, just in time for our food to arrive.
We ate normally, someone occasionally cracking a joke, until finally it was time for the movie. We paid the bill and walked back, and I made sure not to walk too close to Will. I wasn't too sure, but something about him seemed a bit worried.
We got to the theater, gave them our tickets, and headed for the screen room. We managed to get good seats, according to Will, and sat down. I sat between Will and Jason, and I was kind of excited for the movie. My knee was bouncing a little bit, and I kept looking around. The movie theater was actually really big, with speakers on the walls and a huge screen in front of us. The lights dimmed, and previews started to play. It was amazing seeing the special effects just in previews. Then, a robot dog told us to put on our glasses, and I did. As the movie began, Will leaned in and whispered something in my ear.
"Ti amo."
The movie started, and Will slipped his hand into mine.
• • •
We all walked out of the theater, stretching and buzzed. Jason was really hyped, going on and on about the movie's great action scenes and the plot twist at the end. We were all laughing and chatting, and as we walked out, Will kept walking close to me again. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, but I was nervous. Was I just hearing things in the theater? Did he actually say that? Maybe I was thinking too much about it. Jason and Piper walked up ahead, apparently unaware of us lagging behind.
"So, uh, great movie, right?" I started, trying to ease the tension.
"Yeah, it was pretty fun, although action movies aren't really my thing." Will said, keeping it light. "Was that a good first movie going experience for you?"
"Yeah, it was great. I've never seen special effects like that!"  I said, then stopped myself, because I was getting a bit too geeky. We continued to walk.
"You know," Will started, "this is almost like a date."
I laughed, but as soon as he said date, my heart skipped a beat. Date??? Was this a date??????? Wait, it can't be a date, because Jason and Piper are-. I look ahead, and Piper's face is glued to Jason's as they lean against a wall. My stomach drops.
Will turns to me, and says, "We should definitely do this again some time. We don't have to make it a double date if you don't want to, though."
He winks at me and continues to walk while I'm stopped dead in my tracks.
This was a double date, and I was really gay.
The sun continued to beam down.

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