Chapter 4: The Hospital Trip

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Scott Pov

His eyes were stagnant blue, STAGNANT BLUE! I still can't get my mind wrapped around how it is possible? Trying to understand his situation is a struggle. He came back from the dead with those glowing stagnant blue eyes. This has only ever been encountered with Derek when he killed an innocent individual. What is happening to Stiles?

This matter concerns me, I know I shouldn't want to associate with him but it is still important. It happens to seem like a supernatural occurrence, something possessing his body, but not his mind. Could this be the return of the nogitsune, planning to come back in a more powerful form of void Stiles and a more destructive, chaotic, and morbid version? What if the nogitsune was hidden, waiting to possess his body, the chosen host of his existence, in a disfigured awakening?

His existence is still stable, he's still breathing, heart still pumping and blood still flowing through his veins. I am drawn to shut out the morose thoughts but the temptation is unreachable.

Stiles himself was still in pain; I could feel it hovering in an atmosphere around his drained body. My attempts to take his pain are to a point of success, when I'm strong enough, but no efforts can ever take ones emotional pain which can haunt them from months to years.

His dad, formally known as Sheriff Stilinski, decided to stay the night as well. Everybody came and visited him, leaving flowers and cards. He hadn't woken yet. Ever since he started to breathe again, he fell into a state of unconsciousness. We tried contacting Lydia but no response. I guess she still hadn't forgiven him.

Lydia Pov:

Stupid messages kept filling up my phone. They were all from Scott, saying how Stiles was sorry; he didn't know what he was doing. But how, he looked at me straight in the eyes and started to strangle me.

Then I got this other message. "Stiles has been admitted to the hospital, he was dead for 25minutes." That one broke me.

But how do I feel this way if he was the person who had tried to kill me.

I knew he liked me ever since grade 3, it was so obvious, but he's not really my kind of guy. So he let it go, started going after Malia Tate.

When he strangled me, it just felt like he enjoyed it, I just had this terrible feeling. But I got another feeling; I just couldn't put my tongue on it.

No one knew but I was admitted to the hospital too that night. I was absolutely normal until I fell into a deep dream. It was almost like it was realistic, like it was actually happening. I saw Stiles; he was just standing there in the middle of this darkness. He looked so scared and vulnerable I couldn't help but speak up.

"Stiles...", I whispered.

He turned around so fast I jumped. He stared at me for a moment, studied me from top to bottom. It was like he didn't believe it was really me, so I proved it.

"Stiles why did you do that to me..."

The minute I said that, like he turned so white, he looked like a ghost. His lovely brown eyes looked so broken and full of tears.

"I didn't know what I was doing I'm so sorry Lydia." He pleaded.

But how did he not know what he was doing. He placed his hand around my throat, gripped it so tightly, I feared he would easily snap my neck.

"Why are you so willing to hurt me, your first crush," I needed answers on why.

"I would never hurt you Lydia-" I cut him off.

"But you did." I moved my hair to show him the damage that he had created.

But before I could see his reaction, an icy cold feeling was surrounding my chest. It then felt like the entire world had slipped into a complete darkness.

I then woke up screaming and I tried to gather my thoughts. That painful feeling was still coming from my chest. I looked down and saw a pool of blood. It was coming from my chest, near my heart. But the scarier thing was that the weapon was a knife and I was holding it in my left hand.


So I was sent to the hospital. I didn't actually pierce my heart, but I was close. I apparently needed surgery or something. I don't know why I stabbed myself or why I dreamt of Stiles, it just happened. Being a Banshee doesn't help either.

I was admitted to the hospital and even got placed in my own room. I didn't notice I was next to Stiles' until I saw him roll by my room, surrounded by Malia and Scott.

Once I discovered this new piece of information I decided I would try get close to Stiles. Once it was midnight, many patients were asleep so I decided now was my chance. I stood up out of bed, which was so much harder than you think, and sneaked next door. Once I carefully entered the room, I found Malia and Scott dead asleep on the couch. His dad, Sheriff Stilinski, was laid out on the chair, asleep as well. I slowly walked over to Stiles, trying not to wake his family.

The closer I got the more my chest started to burn with pain. Once I reached him, it was like a flame was sent right off near my heart., I forgot about it though. I placed my hand gently on his face, he looked so peaceful, but the moment was ruined when this terrible feeling ran through my body, just like the one when he strangled me.

I saw so many things, like I was entering his mind, I couldn't help but scream.

Scott's Pov.

I woke to Lydia screaming. Being a werewolf makes the screams 10 times more louder, so I could definitely hear it. All three of us in the room rushed over to her. Her hand was on his face and he was awake.

His eyes were again stagnant blue.

Once Lydia stopped screaming, she removed her hand and fell right into my arms, unconscious. Stiles, however, was wide awake, scrambling around screaming. Malia and I placed Lydia on the couch and went to help Stilinski with calming Stiles down.

He didn't stop so Melissa injected him with morphine. But this time instead of his eyes changing back to the original brown, they stayed stagnant blue.

Third person

Stiles' eyes were still glowing stagnant blue after he had awoken. Scott and Malia were trying to figure out how his eyes still were stagnant blue, even though he wasn't a werewolf. But they had one option left that could help solve this puzzle,



Yay another part up! Would just like to say this part took me forever to do so your welcome!!

Why did Lydia stab herself?

How did they cross over in the same dream/nightmare?

What was that terrible feeling that made Lydia question?

Why is now his eyes staying stagnant blue?

So some more questions you might have running through your head but I promise in the end all will be revealed!

Dedication: Christina, Emma, Darcy

Thankyou xxxx

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