Scott London Businessman

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Twenty years ago, Scott London began, as a journalist, to cover social entrepreneurship. When he started, few people knew about the topic. However, nowadays, social entrepreneurship is a popular term covering op-ed pieces and various stories. This term became recently a major note in different speeches at global meetings. You can find this term in the programs of the best universities and colleges. Social entrepreneurship is now quoted and discussed in a growing number of inspiring and impressive literatures.

The growth of social entrepreneurship mirrors an increasing intellect today that numerous of the most hopeful solutions to worldwide problems do not rely necessarily on foundation grants, government aid, or charity. Scott London revealed that these solutions come from individuals at the common level eager to bring entrepreneurial discerning to bear on certain of our hardest social issues.

Social entrepreneurs use principles of market to the industry of social change. An illustration of this case is Anita Ahuja who tackled problems in India such as unemployment, sanitation, and waste by initiating a project that makes high-end accessories such purses, wallets, and others out of plastic waste.

However, Scott London revealed that Bill Drayton is the one who did more to place social entrepreneurship on the chart. Bill Drayton is largely recognized with having created the term in the beginning of 1980s.

Bill Drayton is the founder and CEO of Ashoka that is a worldwide association of social reformers. Since 1981, the association has nominated around 3,000 top social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, offering them access to an exceptional worldwide network of peers, professional support, and living stipends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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