The New Girl...

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Hi, I'm Jamie Star. I am a girl of fourteen , eagerly waiting for my Hogwarts letter and I can say that I've done my waiting , fourteen years in Azkaban! (Azkaban for me is this Muggle World where I'm stuck.) And for many real life people who are same as my favorite fictional characters. I know it's crazy but it's the truth.

I have shifted to a new locality. Well my dad has this transferable job, so we keep shifting. But the problem with me is that I'm not able to adjust anymore with my new surroundings , blending in will take me a lot of time. And now I don't wanna make friends. I mean there's a limit of everything, isn't there? I can't again and again start from the very beginning! Its not like I haven't made acquaintance with even one mortal being, but yeah not many also. Though I'm a very big potterhead, my favorite book is 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green. Its like I can relate myself to it.

I really wanna get out and make friends and know the world, but there's something that stops me from inside. Well maybe, it's not the right time just yet. I've always wanted to be part of a band. And believe me , I'm a bookworm! I can feel characters and relate myself to them.

So basically I'm a troubled teen. But I like it, I like my friends giving me importance and like I'm a kind of a counsellor to them. Frankly , this new space gives me a little creep! Its too quite. What I don't like is people's reaction when they see or meet a new person, "Hey, are you a new girl? " or "Oh, so you're the new one she talked about. What class are you in? Which school?" and what not ! Being asked same questions over and over again annoys me.But I've decided to face this merciless world, tomorrow evening. Wishing myself Luck !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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