Chapter 1: New girl in town

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Hi I am the author of this book. So I usually write about anime and put a twist on things. But I do think of doing other animes and other stories not exactly doing anything related to animes. I love you all readers and please comment whatever you want. Any suggestions I will think of. Hate comments won't affect me at all so don't even think about bothering to put those there. Ask me anything and I will answer. So without further ado you can start reading.

I update every week. Today is February 11, 2016 on a Thursday so I am hoping to update every Thursday.

Oh by the way if it's italicized meaning slanted like this. It's probably a thought in someone's head. Just a heads up.

Sakura had her life normal again. She collected all the cards including the Sealed Card and went on with her life. She was now a high schooler going through all her tests and everything. It was the first day of school and all her friends and her were in the same class. Everyone was chattering and talking very loudly and everyone was greeting each other. They finish their morning classes and a study hall starts. Of course everyone just talks during it and her friends came up to her.

"Sakura Chan did you hear about the new girl? She's not in our class but some people who have seen her say she is a beautiful girl who is in our grade." Rika Chan ran up to her excitedly.
"Really? Let's go try to see her." Sakura squealed.

All of her friends looked at Sakura and if they were ready to go and she ran out the door. They ran into the hallway and saw a crowd of boys standing in the hallway blocking it off. They pushed through the people to the front. When they do they saw a girl with long dark hair kinda like Tomoyo's. Her face was pale like Tomoyo's too but she looked like Eriol Kun. She was sitting in a chair but she wasn't wearing a uniform. She was wearing a black top with dark skinny jeans and a had a tan leather jacket on her. Her face was free of makeup and and her body was very fit. She had the perfect body.

"So why are you here? Obviously you transferred here." A boy asked the girl.
"I did I just transferred here and I am hoping some nice kind people help me around the place." The girl smiled.
"I'LL DO IT!" All the guys yelled while raising their hands in the air.
"Ummm preferably a girl or groups of girls. Sorry." Toki winced.
"We'll do it." Sakura raised her hand.
"Oh hi. I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Toki said as Sakura smiled.
"My name is Kinomoto Sakura and this Dadouji Tomoyo. We're sophomores like you. Wow you are really pretty like the rumors going around." Sakura looked up and down.
"Thank you. But I think you are prettier. You both are flawless. Oh where are my manners, my name is Mai Tokyo but everyone that I know calls me Toki so feel free to call me that." Toki bowed.
"Wow you are really nice." Tomoyo said shocked.
"What do you mean? Are you shocked?" Toki blinked.
"Well most girls who are gorgeous like you are usually hmmmmmm what's the word?" Tomoyo thought out loud.
"Bitches?" Syaoron cut it in.
"Yep that's the one." Tomoyo snapped her finger and pointed her finger at Syaoran.

The boy just laughed.

"Oh I am sorry I thought you were just a part of the boys crowding around me. What's your name?" Toki shook her head in confusion.
"Li Syaoran, you can call me Li Kun." The boy walked up to her with his hands in his pockets.
"That's not a Japanese name is it?"
"So your smart too. No it's not it's Chinese." Li Kun grinned.
"Okay well Li Kun nice to meet you. So you guys are all friends?" Toki raised an eyebrow.
"Of course. I am Sakura Chan's best friends and Li Kun is her boyfriend." Tomoyo giggled.

Sakura stared at her best friend while blushing. She looks at Li Kun and he has a straight and calm face.

"Yes that's true what Tomoyo said. But we don't third wheel her. Besides she has her own one. Well we are going to lunch. You coming?" Sakura turned around.
"Huh oh yea of course thank you." Toki yelled.

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