Chapter 7

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Above is Clover's beloved Fletcher!

Clover' POV

Feeling like my stomach could explode; I was that full, an impatient Floyd and I walk out of the Great Hall. I had spent 30 minutes stuffing my face at breakfast as it was Pancake Saturday...

"How can you possibly eat so much without getting fat?" Floyd asks while chuckling quietly.

"I dunno; high metabolism?" I shrug letting out a small laugh at the confused look on Floyd's face.

"Oh yeah, what did you get for question 3 for the History of Magic homework? I didn't get it" Floyd asks while we walk under an arch and into the courtyard where there was a group of sixth year boys were sitting under the tree messing around. As we walked past a couple of them cat called. I turned around and glared at them.

"Piss off" I shout "Or else I'll gut you like a fish, got it?" I glare at them before turning around and smirking at Floyd. Floyd shakes her head.

"See, this is why no boys ever ask you out Clover! They're all scared shiteless of you! Couldn't you like, not go angry beast lady anytime a boy shows interest?" Floyd exclaims giving me an exasperated look. We walk out through the corridor and out into where Hagrid's shack is, carefully manoeuvring down the steep hill.

"Speaking of boys... What about you and Remus, huh? Don't think I don't know about your little trip to the kitchens... You like him don't you!" I exclaim. I had caught them all snuggled up last night in the kitchen when I was going to replenish my secret stock pile of pastries and cakes. I had walked in and spotted them curled up at a table so I hid behind the door and watched them cuddle and do all that soppy shite couples do.

"No I don't!!!! And we were only getting a hot chocolate since we were studying, unlike you, for the charms test coming up!" Floyd was quick to defend her and Remus and hide her face by letting her blonde pin straight hair fall forward to hide her face. I still have a pretty good view of her face though and I grin in both amusement and slight shock at how her face slowly turned a rosy pink.

As we now approach the beginning of the Forbidden Forest Floyd seems to finally recognise where she is and stops. I stop and turn around to face her.

"Oh no, not again... There is no way in hell that I'm going in there again! Not after last time!" Floyd panics shaking her head rapidly from side to side.

"C'mon Floyd, don't be a wuss! And it wasn't even that much of a big deal last time!" I shrug.

"YOU GOT US LOST IN THE FORBIDDEN FOREST CLOVER! We didn't find our way out until well after dusk! I was almost eaten by wolves, WOLVES, Clover! I'm not going in again!" Floyd screams; waving her arms about in the air. She seems to be hyperventilating...

"Calm down Floyd, I won't get us lost! WE won't go in as far as we did last time, promise" I say softly while giving her the puppy dog eyes. Apparently my puppy dog face could make anyone give into me so I use it to my advantage, obviously.

"Gah, don't look at me like that Clover! You know I can't resist the puppy dog face!" Floyd whines, trying desperately not to look me in the eye

I widen my eyes even further and make my eyes slightly watery. I let one lone tear roll down my cheek and softly drop onto the green grass. Floyd finally can't look away any longer and lets her curiosity rule over her and glances up at me.

"Shite... Fine, ok. We'll go into the bloody Forbidden Forest, but if I die I'm coming back to haunt your butt. Consider yourself warned." Floyd huffs before stomping off into the forest. I grin and swiftly wipe away the tear before sprinting to catch up with Floyd. I quickly find her; she's leaned up against a huge oak tree, pouting.

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