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As the crew fought the two beings they grew tired and clumsy and were starting to get hit by Frieza and Cooler but, they weren't at full power yet! "This isn't good, we are getting our asses kicked" Riley said "I don't think we can last much longer." said Ben. Jakes face went expressionless "We can.... WE WILL!" The crew got up and powered up. White beams flew up into the sky, the crew looked at each other and a plan was formed in silence, without a word. "Now" Seth said. Ben and Will went to the left Riley and Jake went to the right and Seth down the middle. They all charged toward Frieza and Cooler. As they threw punches Frieza dodged like they were nothing, Frieza jumped and put his feet to Jake and Riley's faces and pins them too the ground. Frieza laughed "What happened to all that fighting spirit you had not long ago?" Frieza grabbed Jake and threw him across the forest into the darkness of the coming dusk "hmm what to do with you? Oh I got it how about we kill your friends in front of you" (Cooler has already beaten Seth, Will, and Ben) "Who's first!?" Cooler asked "How about you!" He pointed to Will as he grabbed him by the head and started to squeeze his head and crush him. Will screamed in pain as this was happening and passed out from the pain, Cooler threw him into the distance. "And then there was one" Cooler said with a devilish smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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