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Riley POV
We arrive to the hospital and we go inside and Lucas goes talks to a doctor about Bella then I see the doctor nod and then we go inside the doctors room
Doctor: ok what's the matter
Lucas: my daughter she's not feeling good
Lucas POV
The doctor checks on bella and feels her heart beat and feels her stomach
Doctor: ok well let's see it looks like she has some kind of stomach flu
Lucas: how
Doctor: well it could be something she ate
Lucas: Bella honey what was the last thing you ate
Bella: I don't know daddy
Lucas: ma what was the last thing Bella did
Lucasmom: uh well I just put Bella bed with her bottle and she was resting fine until I heard her crying
Bella: daddy someone came for me
Lucas: who was it
Bella: I don't know but it hurt me
Riley: could it been Missy
Bella: I think
Doctor: well she does have a stomach flu I think you should give her some medicine let her rest and she will be alright probably by tomorrow
Lucas: ok
Doctor: alright come back if you need anything *leaves*
Bella: daddy I think that Missy girl hurt me
Riley: wait if it was Missy how would she give Bella a stomach flu
Lucas: don't know but let's go to my ma's house and see what could of happen
Riley POV
I nod and I pick up Bella and we leave the doctors room I see a couple young doctors staring at me I look down and I noticed I'm still wearing my hot dress I grab Lucas hand giving people that I'm "taken" then we go the car and I put Bella I'm her car seat then we all get in and we go back to Lucas moms house once we get back we get inside and straight into lucas moms room we were in shock the window was broken how did we not noticed
Lucas: this had to be Missy she's after Bella
Lucasmom: its alright honey
Lucas: don't worry Bella will be safe
Bella: daddy riley I'm scared
Riley: don't worry Bella everything will be alright

I'm so sorry I haven't update a lot school has been hard so much work with my after school program and having tons of homework its hard I'm sorry if you hate me I LOVE YOU ALL MY READERS ❤❤❤❤❤❤ -Bethany :)

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