Chapter 22

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Jennifers POV
Everyone is looking at me I don't know what to say. "Yup 4 years now" I say and grab his hand.
"well this is awkward" meadow says. "Ding Dong", ethan runs to the door to get the pizza. he comes back and puts the pizza on the dinning room table. everyone gets their pizza and we just sit down and eat. We are mostly on our phones. I began to watch some vines, i start dancing like a retard. We all finish our pizza and its like 7:00 pm. the sun is just setting. "we should just go chill in the park" chloe says. "im in" ethan says. "okay but i gotta change" meadow says and runs up stairs. "why does she have to change every hour?" aris says. i was about to go off on her but something in the back of my head told me not to. we wait for another 5 minutes the whole time chloe and tylor are talking in the kitchen, sarah and ethan are just sitting on their phones, and cody and aris are just sitting there not saying a word. Meadow comes back down with a flannel around her waist with black leggings and a white v-neck. she walks out and everyone follows. We dicide to walk because its not that far and its nice outside. We all just make small talk between our selves until cody pulls meadow aside and starts whispering to her. i wonder what they are talking about. we arive at the park and i begin to climb a tree, Aris joins me. im not that big of a fan of her, but i dont want to be rude so i let her join. i get to a decent part of the tree and she begins to talk to me, "so you have known them for a while now??" "yeah we all basically met in the 6th grade." i say. "oh thats nice, was everybody the same?" she asks. 'well basically sarahs always loved cake, meadow and chloe have always been close, cody and ethan were always retarted. so yeah nothing has changed" i say and giggle. "so why was cody texting you the other night?" she says and it shocks me. i dont know if i should tell her the truth or just make something up. "Because we are friends and we text ?" i say hoping she will belive it. "listen leave him alone we are gonna be together forever, he doesnt want you." she says to me and i am taken back at what she said. "um first of all i do not want him if i did i would have him and second you will not be together forever he doesnt like you the same anymore" i scream and then i climb back down the tree and walk around trying to find them. i spot ethan and sarah by a tree and i see something i never wanna see again. they are behind a tree kissing. i walk away and pretend like i didnt see anything. I dont know if the others know so im just gonna keep to myself and not tell anyone. I see the rest of them sitting on the swings swinging. "wheres aris?" cody asks. "Why dont you go look for her, we wouldnt want her to get hurt" i say and walk torwards meadow who is typing on her phone with her head down. i push her swing and she jumps up and throughs her phone at the ground. Good thing its sand. "Oh my neck you scared me." she says trying to catch her breath. "who were you texting??" i say and she gets up and puts her phone in her back pocket and goes back to sit on the swings. Eventullay cody and aris and sarah and ethan come back we are all on the grass looking at the stars. "tomorrow is our last day what do you guys wanna do?" sarah asks. "idk we could go shopping?" meadow says. "Meadow you just bought like 200 pieces of chlothes before we came here."chloe says and hits meadows arm. "it cant hurt anyone." she says "except your bank acount" cody replys. she gives him a death glare and continues to look up at the stars. "we could just do whatever like just out our phones away and go to a whole bunch of stores and watch movies just like a chill day" tylor says. "i love that" meadow says out of nowhere. "same" i reply with. Everyone just laughs, "okay lets start walking home i have to shower" meadow says. "why you didnt do anything" chloe replys with. "ew yes i did i am out side i was just on grass and dirt" she says, and i just laugh knowing meadow is such a geraphobe. We finally get back to the beach house i go right to the room i am staying in, I change my clothes ,and put on my pajama pants and i t-shirt. i go back down stairs and ethan is in the kitchen eating pizza and sarah is on the bar stool eating cake, of course. "so whats up hows it been" i say to them. "good" sarah replys with cake in her mouth. "thats fantastic" i say and grab a piece of pizza and go to the couch and just scroll through we heart it. Chloe comes and sits right next to me "so whats been going on with you and tylor??" she asks and i dont know what to say. "we are great" i say bluntly hoping she will change the subject. Cody comes and sits on the couch across from the one im on. "yeah so how are you and tylor?" he asks with a smug look on his face. "We are fine, how are you and Aris" i almost gag saying her name. "we are doing great" he says then looks at his feet. I feel bad for asking that because i know they are not fine. I cant wait for him to dump her. I just get up because i feel bad for bringing that up. I go say goodnight to tylor then i brush my teeth real quick and i just lay in the dark thinking why, why is he with her. I cant help but think i am developing feelings for him, i close my eyes trying to push the thought to the back of my head, but i couldnt. I finally drifted off to sleep hoping this is only a one time thing, like a dream.

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