The Last One: Book Version

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Let's Recap.  

Erica goes into labor and three weeks early! They head to the hospital and are waiting. Chandler is alone in the room with Erica and it gets awkward. Chandler making jokes and being his normal self. 

Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel slept together and Ross realizes he is in love with Rachel but can't tell her.

Erica finally delivers but there is one big surprise. There is two babies not just one! Monica and Chandler are in shock and Chandler freaks out. They decide to name the babies. The baby girl, Erica and the baby boy, Jack.

Rachel leaves for the airport to go to to Paris. Ross and Phoebe chase after her but accidentally go to the wrong airport. They hurry to reach to the correct airport and Phoebe calls Rachel to stop her by telling her "something is wrong with the left phalange." It freaks everybody out on the plane and they have to exit. They finally reach the airport and find Rachel. Ross tells her that he loves her and to stay in New York with him. She denies and gets on the plane.

Meanwhile, Duck Jr. and Chick Jr. are stuck in the foosball table. But Chandler and Joey can not bare to break their beautiful table again. But Monica volunteers.

When Ross gets back to his apartment he finds a message on his machine from Rachel! Rachel is trying to get off the plane, while Ross is listening to this Rachel is behind him. They then finally get back together and she decides to stay.

Monica and Chandler pack up the last of their things. They have to give up their keys and so does the rest of the gang. Monica and Chandler, the twins, Phoebe, Joey, and Ross and Rachel head down to Central Perk to go get one more cup of coffee. Chandler says the last line of the show, "Where" as a respond of where they should go have coffee.

Here is the recap of the finale in my words. Now I am going to share what I think is happening with them now in these days.

I believe that Ross and Rachel get married and have more kids. And possibly move to the same neighborhood as Monica and Chandler or near them.

Mike and Phoebe have a baby and also move near Monica and Chandlers home.

Monica finally gets pregnant. (story about this will be published soon) As they have an amazing full house. And Joey lives with them in his "Joey Room." But eventually Erin (his old girlfriend from season seven) comes back to him saying "I love you, I want to be with you." And they get together and live in an apartment in Manhattan.  

{I do not think what happened in the show "Joey" is what happened to him}

Thank you for reading my story and my personal thoughts on what happened. kisses. xoxoxo.  

Madi Harvey

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