-Chapter Two-

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"Emily, don't move." Tyler's voice said. Emily, knowing that there was sense in what he said, obeyed.

She felt breath puff against the back off her neck and she tried not to flinch away. 

"Get back, fera pessima." Tyler warned. Emily felt the beast shake against her as it laughed.

"You don't scare me Flame." The monster whispered, moving away from Emily and approaching Tyler...or what had it called him-Flame-instead.

What did that mean?

Angrily, Emily spun around in her seat, ready to yell at Tyler for trying to pull a prank on her. She wasn't really sure what she had been expecting, but it hadn't been what she got.

Ms. Harrison was standing over Tyler, three times her normal size with a purple back showing through her shirt, which was now ripped up and torn.

Emily could only see the back of her head, and she was rather afraid to see her face.

Then she turned her eyes to Tyler, and she let out a squeak.

His hair had turned almost white, and it had bright blue streaks in it. It also stood straight up. His eyes, which had once been "turquoise" as Jackie put it, were now bright green with slit pupils and no whites, like a cat's.

"What the hell!?" She screamed, falling backwards off her chair and landing with a loud thud on the floor.

The monster turned back toward her, and Emily screamed again, louder this time.

Ms. Harrison was no longer Ms. Harrison, but a monster with a large purple face and three rows of sharp teeth. Orange blisters showed all over its skin, and its eyes were large and yellow, with no whites and very small pupils.

"Hello, child." The monster said, raising one large hand with long purple claws and seven fingers. "I've been waiting for a chance to show you what I really am, and more importantly, what you really are." It cackled.

"Hey, ugly!" Tyler yelled, poking the monster with a curved sword that seemed to represent a claw, it wasn't flat but rather rounded. The monster turned again, with much agitation this time. "Silence!" It hissed.

Emily got shakily to her feet and furiously banged her head on the desk, trying to wake herself up from this horrible dream. After the tenth time she did it, she was surprised that Jackie hadn't yelled at her to stop.

She turned to look at the girl, but to her horror, found no one there.

No one was sitting in any of the seats.

Suddenly, Emily felt the urge to rip out her hair and run around in circles screaming until she was taken to an insane asylum. She figured that she'd be better off there anyway.

She heard a screech behind her, but didn't move, scared to discover who it had come from. Of course, she wouldn't really care if the beast killed Tyler, that is, if he hadn't been her saving grace at the moment.

"It's okay, Maple." Tyler's voice said. Emily felt a hand lay on her shoulder and she nervously turned around.

Tyler was even scarier up close. His skin was now very pale, and his nose was long and sharp. His ears were also very long, so they looked like a basset hound's. His lips were such a light pink they looked almost white.

"What happened to you?" She whispered.

Tyler smiled a little. "Nothing, at least, I look the same to myself as I always have." He said. "And you look the same to me as you always have, though, of course, to yourself you'll be looking rather different, Maple."

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