Under moonlight : The troubles of a teenage werewolf(1)

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I turned on my radio, put it on full blast and heaved myself heavily on to my bed. My Dad was being ridiculous. I was seventeen years old for crying out load and yet he still tried to treat me as if I were a child. So what if the prom was the night before a full moon, did he not think I could maintain control. I didn't even know why I was so upset anyway, it's not like I had a date to begin with. Of course nobody was going to ask out "the weird girl," as they so kindly liked to call me. It wasn't that I ugly or anything, I was actually fairly beautiful, a heart shaped face, chestnuts colored eyes that stood out profoundly against my midnight black hair that fell long past my shoulders. Even though I looked as normal as any other junior in my class, it was as if the other kids could since something was different about me. We moved here 6 months ago and not one had tried to befriend me, I was a total loner. All I had ever wanted was to fit in but it seems like that was never going to happen and now this with my dad. Oh I just wanted to scream I was so frustrated.

I knew I had to calm down though, the rage that was making my blood boil was exactly what my father had been talking about. The slightest emotion gone too far could force me to change on the spot and that wouldn't be good for anyone. For one thing we didn't want to expose our selves. We have this funny feeling that people wouldn't be exactly thrilled to learn they had a couple of were wolves living in their neighborhood.

I closed my eyes and started to concentrate on my breathing. In and out, in and out I repeated inside my head. I looked at the clock and saw I had about fifteen minutes to make it to school and decided I better make a run for it.

I waited for the front door to click before leaving my room. I didn't want to risk running into my father and getting into another fight before school. I grabbed a granola bar, threw my book bag over my shoulder, and headed out the door.

Ah the West Middleton high school, always a refreshing site. Not. I hunched over my eyes towards the pavement and headed inside. As much as this school seemed to hate me I had to admit I sort of liked it. It was so clean and modern. Everything always smelt new, like the way a brand new car has that new car smell. The school is set indoors, with high ceilings and rows of metal lockers. The teachers were friendly enough, none were favorites, but they didn't pick on me in class so they were alright in my book. There's nothing worse than a teacher that calls on you repeatedly and draws the attention of the whole class on you.

I walked to my locker and started pulling out my first period books and organizing which folder I would need for certain classes. When something hit the back of my head and I was suddenly covered in gook. Great, this is just what I needed. I swung around and faced nearly the entire student body laughing at me.

Turning bright red and slightly trembling, I ran for the nearest bathroom which seemed to be hundreds of miles away. Desperate to get out of the attention of my peers I ran in not looking where I was going and smacked right into something that felt like a brick wall. That's when everything went black.

When I finally came around I opened my eyes and was staring right into the face of the most beautiful boy that I had ever seen. He had dark green eyes and dark brown tousled hair that was not too long, but just the right length to tuck behind his ears. He was gorgeous and I was speechless.

"Are you alright?" he asked with concern.

I couldn't speak and my mouth was probably hanging open but I didn't care I just stared at him. He started to look a little worried like I either belonged to the special class or hit my head a little too hard and abstained some kind of damage.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2009 ⏰

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