Author's Note

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Thanks for reading this far! We hope that this book will have slightly more plot than the last one. Of course, we're writing a high school AU, and most likely your normal lives don't read like a novel. Ours don't, at least.

Anyway, if you've come this far, we'd like to thank you. Your support is what keeps us going. That, and the feeling of bliss we get when we drag you down to feels town with cliff hangers and terrible things.

That's besides the point.

General info:

Ry made this lovely cover, so go admire it because it's amazing ~Ellie

Updates are every Monday, as much as possible. There will be weeks that we won't be able to update, but we'll try to stick to this schedule as much as possible. Ellie is caught up with student council and being on her school's worship band, not to mention tons of homework for sophomore year. Ry just started her freshman year so that's double homework, not mention sports and practice and new school to adjust to. She'll try to write as much as possible, as will Ellie!

Suffice to say: our lives are busy.

But that's why we write. To get away from the busy-ness of life.

First chapter will be up tomorrow, hopefully.

So enjoy! Hope you like it!

~Ry and Ellie

{Note from Ry: If you have iFunny, go follow PerfectlyWeird}

{Note from Ellie: feel free to comment as much as you like, I don't mind}

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