Chapter 2: Welcome to Santa Carla, the Murder Capital of the World

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When we got to our new house, we started to unpack immediately. I was still a little creeped out by the welcome sign. It said, "Welcome to Santa Carla, the Murder Capital of the World!" I just shook it off. The house was a nice size, it had a pool and a huge backyard. It was cool I guess. My mom was unpacking when she turned to me and my sister Annie and said, "You two look like you need a break, it's been a long car ride. Why don't you two go check out the boardwalk I heard about?" she said while handing us money. I took it and started running for the door. Before I took one step out of the house, I turned around and thanked my mom. I grabbed my little sister's hand and started running all the way to the boardwalk.
"Cailey, slow down!" Annie whined. Annie was 13 years old and I was 16. There was only a three year age difference, but I treated her like a baby. Hey, it's not like she didn't act like one!
"Quit your whining, baby!" I replied, laughing.
"Hey! I'm not a baby!" she cried.
"Could've fooled me..." I said.
We finally stopped running when we got to the boardwalk.
"Alright, here's 20 dollars, go do whatever the hell you want, and come back to me if you need more money." I said and off my sister went.
I walked around until I saw a small comic book store. I decided to go inside and look around. I never really read comics, but when I did, they were usually superhero ones or horror ones. Horror ones are my favorite. There's so much suspense! When I got inside, my jaw dropped. Standing at the counter was a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes who I assumed was my age. He was tall and thin and he had the most serious look on his face. Let's just say, I was in love.
"Hey, can we help you?" the guy next to him said. He had lighter brown hair and brown eyes and wore a red bandana. He looked about a year younger than me, maybe two.
"Uh...yeah. Where are comics?" I asked nervously.
"Follow me." The boy who looked my age said.
He's really cute. I thought to myself as I followed him to the back of the store.
"Here they are. Why you lookin' for horror comics?" he asked.
"Oh um...those are my favorite kind of comics..." I replied.
"Really? Me too! They come in handy in case there's some sort of apocalypse or something..." he said. He turned a bit red. Was he blushing? I shrugged it off.
"Yeah, haha." I said, giggling.
"Ooh...Alan's got a crushhhhh!" the other boy said out of nowhere.
"Shut up, Edgar!" Alan shot back.
Alan and Edgar. Edgar and Alan. Alan, Alan, Alan. His name was the only thing that ran through my mind as I flipped through the pages of a vampire comic.
"Yeah, take that one, it'll come in handy." Alan said.
"Oh, and there's a number on the inside. If you ever have any trouble with the undead, call it." Edgar finished.
"Alright." I said.
"Hey um...what's your name?" Alan asked, looking down and turning bright red.
"ALAN'S GOT A CRUSH!" Edgar yelled. Just then, another boy who looked about a year younger than me walked into the store. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Sam! Sammy! Alan's got a crushhhhh!" he said to the blonde haired boy.
Sam, Edgar, and Alan. Alan, Sam, and Edgar. Edgar, Alan, and Sam. Alan... I thought.
"Haha. Hey, who's she?" Sam asked.
"Alan's crushhhh!" Edgar answered in a sing-song voice.
"My name's Cailey, but people call me Cailes." I replied to Alan's previously asked question.
"Well, Cailes, wanna hang out later? My shift ends at 5:00 tonight." he asked.
"It does not! You're making that up! Liarrrrr!!" Edgar exclaimed.
"Shut up, kid. I can get off when I want. Sam can help you. Now, do you wanna hang out or not?" he asked again.
I laughed at this brotherly fight him and Edgar were having before answering. Alan looked very impatient.
"Yeah. I'll hang out with you." I said.
"Oohhhh! Alan's got a daaaaaateeeee!" Sam yelled. Edgar wolf-whistled.
"Shut up kids! Meet you back here around 5:00?" Alan asked, smiling and turning red yet AGAIN!
"Yeah, definitely." I said, smiling back and walking out to find my sister.
I've only been here an hour and I already have a date.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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