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Patrick: there once was a princess named Patrick
SpongeBob: Patrick what are you doing
Patrick: what are you doing on my story
SpongeBob: your on messages
Patrick: okay stop inturupting my story
SpongeBob: wat
Patrick: anyway she lived in Patrickland princess
Patrick had beautiful long gold hair she had a
mother and a evil witch took her from
the castle,princess Patrick grew up with the witch
without knowing she was a witch, then when she was
older she fell in love she took the prince to the castle but when
the witch figured out she stabbed the person the prince
Patrick cut his beautiful hair and it healed
the prince and the witch was dumb and fell of the castle dead
Then Patrick returned to her mother then the prince
Then married the prince and they all lived happily
Ever after.
SpongeBob: isn't that a shorter version of rupunzel
Patrick: what I have never heard of this rupoozil or whatever
You called it
SpongeBob: oh brother

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