Chapter 12

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Paisley's P.O.V;  I feel really strange, there is a funny feeling in my tummy. I haven't eaten in 4 days and all I know is that there is a strange force causing me to hurt my sister and I can't stop it. Then I hear a voice in my head "She hurt you Paisley, she deserves to die." "No she doesn't" I say to my long lost friend. "She doesn't love you Paisley you know that right? " Yes she does she just is a teenager and I am only now getting to be a big girl so she'll warm up to me soon" " I told you that if you disobey me very bad things will happen. Do you remember? I am feeling all trembly now and I see my sister turning blue. " Yes but I can't kill my family!" " You must or I will hurt you"  "NO STOP GET OUT"  "Alright Paisley I tried to be nice but I guess that's not going to work..." The next thing I know I am running toward a burning building.
Anika's P.O.V; I wake up and see my sister a few feet away. Her eyes are back to normal color now and she is running away. It takes me a moment to realize where she is going. Not 50 feet away is a burning tea house Paisley is running right towards it. I bolt up and sprint towards her even though my head feels like it's going to explode. I grab her and she fights against my grasp. " LET GO IF ME" she screams in a woman's voice. She suddenly stops struggling and collapses in my arms. I need to get to the twins house faster than ever now. I take paisley in my arms and start running again,

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