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Recently I have visited Paris with my 3 friends and our families .My favourite part was when we visited the Eiffel Tower.The views from the top were beautiful.We watched the sunset from the top and it looked amazing.The colours were stunning, I took so many pictures !

On our first day for breakfast we had scones and creamy hot chocolate which was delicious . For lunch we had tomato soup and sweet raspberry macaroons . For dinner we had a baguette and a chocolate cake which was amazing .

On our second day (which was our last day) we travelled around Paris and shopped in there fabulous shops . I bought some fabulous clothes and jewellery! For breakfast I had pancakes with chocolate sauce , and for lunch we had sandwiches filled with ham and cheese as well as a chocolate Cooke with smarties inside.They were all delicious.For dinner we had a ham and cheese platter and caramel ice cream . The next day we travelled back home ,which was sad because Paris was so amazing .

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