Chapter 1- Broken Heart

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-Mabel POV-

"Hey, bro-bro, wanna go to the forest?" He shrugged, so I dragged him all the way out to the forest. "Ow-hey! Hahaha! I'm coming! Don't wait up!" I nod, and run ahead to scope out the woods for weird magic stuff. Then it happens. It's quick. The first thing I hear is a click, and it's enough to make me turn around. "Dipper-" then it strikes. Cold and hard. A gun shot. "DIPPER!!!" The next thing a hear is a thud. Then a voice. "Oh god- I shot a kid! I SHOT A KID!!!" I run faster and faster, until I reach the limp, bloody body of my brother. My best friend. My life-long companion. Dead. "D-Dipper! Say something! Anything!" I pick up his body, check his pulse, and drop him. Tears flooding to my eyes. "DIPPER!!!!!! OH GOD, GOD PLEASE, NO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Then everything goes grey. No color. But i'm still stuck, fully colored, staring at my grey, bloody, dead brother. Crying. Screaming. I hear a familier voice, but not his killer. "Hahahaha! What a predicament you've gotten him into this time, shooting star!" Bill. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, YOU DORRITO!!!???" I can't stop shaking. Can't stop crying. Deep down, I think it's my fault. Hunting isn't illegal here. "Oh, nothing much. Just a deal." I freeze. No crying, no shaking. Frozen. "A d-deal?" I'm surprisingly calm, but it hurts to talk, so I can't yell. "Yea, a deal. You get your brother back, but with quite a few side effects. Not just on him, on the whole town. Including him and you." My heart pounds. I can't see or think straight. "Whatever it t-takes. I j-just want my b-brother back. P-please." He holds his hand out and we shake on it. "I'll teleport you both home. Don't let anybody else see him, and when you wake up, he'll be alive and well." I nod shakily, he snaps his fingers, and I wake up in my room. A bloody Dipper on his bed. I stroke his hair, and weakly smile. "Y-you'll be okay, Dip. It'll a-all be okay." Then I realize what I did. I fall to my knees at his bed side. "Oh, god, what have I done?" The last deal with Bill didn't exactly go well. I go downstairs and take some medicine for my throat. "Woah, kid, something happen? Where's Dipper?" I swear, my heart stops for a second. "Just a little tired. Dipper's resting. And my throat hurts from my.... VICTORY SCREECH!!!" Then I go into a huge coughing fit, so I take more medicine. "O-kay." Great. Now he's gonna ask Dipper about it in the morning. I go to my room, lock the door, and sit on my bed. I fall asleep, not remembering any of my dream.

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