Chapter 3- To the Tent we Go

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-Dipper POV-

"W-why was I knocked out in the first place!? What do you mean 'it worked'? WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE!?!?!" He looked shocked that I didn't know. "You were shot! Shooting star made a deal in order to bring you back! And I have NO IDEA what the heck is going on! The side effect was atown wide gender switch! I said 'it worked' because, incase you haven't noticed, that didn't happen, YET HERE YOU ARE!!!" I was... shot? Mabel made a deal with... Bill? I WAS GONNA BE A GIRL!?!?!? He looked distraught, like he knew he shouldn't have said that. "Can you read minds?" He looked hurt, then mad. But not red. "NO! I AM FULLY HUMAN, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, AND I HATE HATE HATE IT!!!!!" Jeez. "Grab the cooler and get Mabel from the bathroom." "Why do i need the-" I stopped him. "She's a mermaid." He nodded, and headed upstairs.

-Mabel POV-

This is boooooorrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnng. Are those footsteps? Look, two feet, under the door! Not Dipper, but who? The door opened, and a blonde guy came in. "Hey, nice fins, shooting star." Bill, again? "Are these the side effects? ARE THESE YOUR STUPID SIDE EFFECTS!?!?!?" "No, no! I was gonna gender-swap everyone. It happened to me, too. I'm full human. We think it was Gideon, since pine tree didn't do it. Don't worry, I told him what happened. Now let me put you in the sink so I can get clean water." He talked fast, I guess on purpose. Next thing I know, i'm in the sink and Bill's filling the cooler with water. We went out and headed for the Tent of Telepathy. "Why do I have to pull the cooler?" Of course, Bill was complaining. "You're the only one even remotely used to walking, let alone pulling that much water and a twelve-year-old." Bill grunted, but stopped complaining. We got there, knocked on the door, and was answered by Gideon. Well, sorta...... "REALLY!?!? YOU HAVE TO BE MY FIRST VAMPIRE!?!?!?!?!? AW, COME ON!!!!!" He looked shocked at the sight of so many different creatures, and seemed to be able to remember better then us. "Bill Cipher? You, too?" Bill blushed and hid his head. Then he took Dipper's hat to wear. "Hey, give it back!" He smirked. "How can you wear it with those antlers?" It seemed to be the first time he noticed them. "What antlers? Oh. AHHHHHHH!" Gideon smiled at my bro's girl scream. "I would love to stay, but the show must go on!" With that, he went inside. I heard music and weird animal noises. I guess the town wants answers from him. Well, they won't get any. So we have to.

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