Chapter 3 Part 2: Broken Shroud

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Gyro, Edge, and Axel make their way to the city gates. Gyro still working on Edges scythe, nearly finished. There were guards lining the gates. Normally there were only four but now there were over a dozen, armed to the teeth. Axel immediately grew nervous.

[Talus district, South gate]

Axel: Um... We're going to prison aren't we?

He says failing to escape the memory of recent events, now slouching in posture.

Edge: Calm down. You don't know what's going on.

Axel: But what else could it possibly be? We killed people. Officers.

Gyro: I killed people, you've done nothing wrong. It could be anything. Inspection maybe. No need to panic.

Axel: You always tell me to cover all possibilities. Prison is one of them.

Gyro: I also told you to assess them calm with intellect rather than emotion.

He says handing Edges now fully repaired scythe back to him.

Edge: Wow looks amazing. But how did you do it without tools?

They stop just before the gate. Three of the guards step up to them, one for each of them. Machine guns tightly clenched in hand. Axel was so nervous he'd began to sweat profusely.

Guard 2: Line up!

Edge and Axel quickly step up to Gyro's side.

Guard 3: You OK little guy?

Axel: [Wipes his forehead] I'm fine. Just a bit warm,

The weather was fine. Not too warm and not too cold. With a mild cool breeze. He realizes his mistake as the soldier raises an eyebrow.

Axel: No I mean I have sensitive glands.

Edge: He actually means he's an idiot. Simply afraid of the law. False conviction and all, you know don't mind him.

Axel: [scratching his head] I am.

Guard 1: Why are you armed?

Gyro: I'm a Titan.

He snatches Gyro's sword and removes it from the sheathe. Staring him down the entire time he examines the sheathe thoroughly as if looking for something before handing it back.

Guard 1: Kids?

Gyro: Temporary Titans. They can handle themselves.

The guards check Edges scythe case and weapon along with Axel guns.

Guard 2: What are kids like you doing with weapons like these?

Edge: Don't you know who I am? I'm a natural born warrior. Edge Tatsumori. Son of Jaeger and Mistress.

Guard 1: Tatsumori huh? Your parents are quite brave so I can understand you but what about him?

Axel: I Uh... It's temporary, I-I'm a Titan with a... crazy older sister.

Guard 2&3: Secure.

Guard 1: If you're ever interested in joining the guard maybe give us a shout. You're all set. Open the gates!

They hand the boys back their weapons and open the gates.

Guard 3: You all be careful now. You know what they say, it's suicide.

He says playing on a pun of the name of the dangerous Suicide Forest.

Axel: Nothing is suicide for the great Axel and this kid here has so much power it's ridiculous. I've never even seen Gyro break a sweat. Most times I can't even see him move.

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