Chapter I

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Gold likes to wander, in case you didn't know. He's wandered his whole life--even beaten eight gym leaders and become the Johto champion in the process. Then he moved on to Kanto, performing the same act while wandering. 

Maybe his running shoes were dirty, his bike tires in need of air, his hair a bit knotty, but he liked to explore.

On a windy, autumn day, it felt like the perfect day to do so. At the age of seventeen, some may say he was a bit old to "explore" per se; so, he referred to these explorations as "clearing his mind". Besides, there wasn't much more to discover anyway, being that he had traveled all over the region already.

Still, Gold found it refreshing to think of it as "exploring", as it reminded him of his childhood days: exploring wide forests, whirling oceans, and tall, silvery mountains.

He breathed in the cooling fall air as he took his time basking in the silence of the Bellchime Trail.

Something was wrong, though. He could sense it. And sure enough, a booming crack echoed throughout the forest, and Gold wasn't sure what it was until it hit him.


"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" Gold called, gaining no response except a light breeze carrying several leaves through the air.



"Someone h-help, I'm stuck..."

His calls became weak rather quickly. Only the faint outline of an orange creature crossed Gold's vision before everything blurred, then blackened.

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