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You have grown so far from the girl with swollen eyes and an aching heart, who coaxed substance from wine bottles and poisoned scripture. Who whispered to me each morning oh, darling, God is on my side, and who I would find on her knees weeping bitterly in the early hours, clinging tightly to beads of rosary until they were dripping with your blood, the welts on your hands a crude sacrifice to the saviour I still cannot bring myself to forgive.

I lay awake at night in a haze of smoke and insomnia, weighed down by the memory of your eyes sitting in their sockets like two forgotten baubles, your hands clasped together, forever blocking the spaces my fingers were made to fill. All I have left is a reflection I can't bear to look at and a derelict house littered with could-have been's.

Forgive me, my love, for being foolish enough to believe that fate would not tear us from each other's grasp, and that the world would be kinder than you had known it to be.

thank you for reading, feedback is greatly appreciated :)

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