Chapter 2: Thinking about someone part 2

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Yugo sat outside in the forest near his adoptive father's restaurant, since Az wasn't there with him to talk to he had no choice but to just think. He started to get so caught up in his memorie's and thought's that he could no longer hear the calming and peaceful sound's of the forest. He wondered where Adamai was, if he was okay...

If he would come back.

But after a moment, he spotted a beautiful white flower beside him, he smiled at it's beauty. But it could never compair to the beauty of Amalia. Ever since Yugo admitted he had feeling's about Amilia to Adamai, on the terrible night Amalia announced the terror of Ogrest and her assigned marriage, he just couldn't get her out of his mind.

Yugo would alway's drift off into thought about her, no matter what. Cooking would never be enough to distract him and evben fighting for his LIFE wouldn't be enough. That's what I mean by 'he just couldn't get her out of his mind'.

Yugo sighed as he stared up at the tree's and sky. "I miss you Amalia." He thought of how brave and strong she was, how careing and kind to her people and friend's, her little pointless funny fight's with Ruel. Yugo frowned at the thought of Amalia being with someone else, he never liked the thought of someone taking her away from him. He was so caught up in his thought's that he never heard the chirp escape from Az's beak. Az had to shout countless time's and peck Yugo head a few time's to grab his attention.

"What Az?" Yugo asked as he rubbed his stinging head. Az glare and flew to the direction if the restaurant. "Oh!" Yugo shot up and made a portal to the kitchen where Alibert, his adoptive father waited.

Alibert stood there while tapping his foot on the floor continuesly as he stood infront of a cheese, salsa and soup explosion. Yugo stared at the mess remembering he was cooking minute's ago and aperantly forgot. Yugo nervously laughed as he started cleaning up as he tried to avoid Alibert the whole time. But he just had to know what was bothering Yugo.

"Yugo, this isn't like you. This is the twelveth time in three month's this has happened! What's bothering you?" Alibert stood there waiting for Yugo to respond, but Yugo was too embarrassed to say. After a few minute's Yugo finally decided to face his father, but not look him in the eye just yet.

"I was just... Thinking about... Someone..." He rubbed the back of his neck as he look's up to his father. Alibert raised an eyebrow.

"And who would that be?" Alibert thought it would be Adamai since it's been a year since he's came back.

Yugo's face emidiantly turned pink at the thought of Amalia once more. He smiled a little as he pictured her stunningly beautiful smiling face.

Alibert saw this and started to get the picture and a small grin spread across his face. "Oh... I see... So who's the lucky girl?"

Yugo's face light's up a bright red as he finally look's his father in the eye. "W-what!? Psh! L-lucky girl. N-n-no, I-It's not like t-that!" Yugo stutter's uncontrollably as another nervous laugh escape's his lip's.

Alibert break's out laughing at his lieing failure. After a moment he finally catche's his breath enough to speak. "Alright Yugo, it's okay. You can tell me, I won't tell a soul."

Yugo looked down to the ground as his face went even redder. "... Amalia..."

Alibert went wide eyed. The princess! Alibert looked down at his flustered son with a huge smile plastered on his face. Yugo obviously had a fair chance with her, saving her and her kingdom from destruction and an arranged marriage. And saved the world of twelve from a huge metior... Which started out as a rocky mountain top and Yugo put it up there in the first place... But he still got rid of it and saved the world of twelve.

Alibert was about to say something but was quickly interrupted when spaghetti and noodle's went everywhere. Alibert stared at his son with a bored look. Yugo gave him a nervous smile and quickly went back to cleaning...

While thinking about a certain... *Ahem*... Someone. Bet we all know who that is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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