The StormBringer's Heart (Poem)

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Watch your step.

Be sure to keep your balance.

Don't let yourself fall.

My heart flutters

My skin's ablaze

My mind is clouded

You have an effect on me,

Anyone with eyes knows

this is true.

Oh God, the way you look at me

I want to fix your eyes

on me. And me alone.

But am I worthy of this?

Am I capable?

You've captured me.

Mind and heart falter

with a single smile.

Allow me to return the favor

Tell me how to captivate you.

(Or perhaps I already have.)

I should fight this,

I know where this will end.

But deep in my heart

I know I've already lost.

If I stop fighting.

If I let this claim me.

Will you follow?

I'll let myself fall

for you

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