3- The Meeting

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I am so sorry that I haven't gotten a new chapter out sooner! I've been really busy lately, but anyways, here it is! Also, sorry that these chapters have been fairly short (I'm having to write on my phone while my laptop is being fixed). :P

--Jordan's POV--

I gazed into the spotless mirror, my reflection radiating nervousness. I looked sharp and confident in the obviously expensive suit that Nade had provided, but my face showed a deep frown of worry and disguised fear.

I heard the clock tick to a new minute in the otherwise silent room, but didn't even get to wonder when he was coming to pick me up as I heard a soft knock on the door.

Upon seeing my past friend, I stepped out of the room into the dim hallway, no words exchanged. I silently followed and tried to remember the layout of what we were passing, but it became impossible in what seemed to be an endless maze of corridors and side rooms.

As we approach a set of huge dark oak doors, Nade stopped.

"Jordan, before you enter, I should inform you that there will be little tolerance for disrespect in Death's office, and if there is any commotion while you are in there, there will be no escape from punishment. Is that understood?"

I sighed. "Yes, I get the point. Thank you...?" Since when did he get so formal, my gosh!

With no reply other than a dangerous glint in his eye, he turned and walked off to who knows where.

A shaky breath slipped out of my mouth as I lightly pushed open one of the doors.

Upon entrance, I immediately saw a exquisitely designed desk and sitting behind it was someone I didn't recognize.

The man wore a jet black suit with a grey tie and his hair quiffed up in a business type fashion. If not for the black tattoo crawling up one side of his face, I might of mistaken him for a rich business man in Urulu.

"Hello?" I questioned cautiously.

My voice seemed to startle him from the light trance he was in. His eyes scanned me approvingly as I stood awkwardly in the doorway and a light smile danced across his face.

"Ah, yes, Jordan. What a long time I've been wanting to meet you. It really is quite a shame that we haven't spoken previously..."

"Why, um, thank you..." I looked down, wondering who this strange man was.

He chuckled as if he could read my thoughts. "Oh! Let me introduce myself... I would be Death, the leader of the Shadows." He kindly extended a hand.

I couldn't help but gape in silence and disbelief as I shook it. This was Death?! He seemed so laid back, and actually gave off a kind of comforting aura.

He gave a chuckle once again. "Can't believe it? Most people only tell stories of my darker side, so I wouldn't either..." He shrugged.

"Oh, well, I suppose nice to meet you. Care to tell me why you've decided to, um, relocate me to here?" I inquired.

He did a little facepalm gesture and looked a bit embarrassed. "Yeah... I really do apologize for the bit of turbulence in getting to meet you here. Cronos, my second in command, insisted that you wouldn't come otherwise." He gave a sheepish glance at me before continuing, "in fact, let me go get him real quick."

I took the seat across from the desk, realizing that I had been standing the entire time.
He didn't return for a minute or two, so I took the opportunity to take a quick look around.

As soon as I got around to the other side of the desk, however, I was greeted by the door reopening and a deep scowl from the man I recognized from the previous night.

"I-I'm just taking a quick wander around!" I stammered nervously.

His hostile scowl deepened. "If I catch you wandering anywhere else, my sword may have to take a wander into your chest." He spat.

Death popped his head into the room. "Now, now, Cronos, as much as you might like it murder isn't the first resort here."

Cronos huffed and muttered something under his breath.

"But please," Death continued, "take a seat. We have much to discuss..."

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