Chapter 12 (full chapter)

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Fazer arrived at the park shortly after Lewis phoned him to find an empty pack of pills lying next to Tulisa and the bottle of vodka. They're now both up at the hospital and waiting for a doctor to come speak to them. Fazer's currently pacing the waiting room while Lewis sits with the twin's fast asleep in their pram. "I can't lose her... I've only just got her back." Fazer says. "Your not gonna lose her Faze but pacing is going to do nothing." Lewis replies and Fazer sighs as Mason starts crying. "Look I'm going to phone Gareth and get him to look after them yeah?" Lewis says and Fazer nods his head. Lewis leaves the room with the twins. Fazer walks over to the window and just stares out it until he hears the door open. He turns around to see a doctor with a blue clipboard standing. "Mr Rawson?" He asks and Fazer nods his head. "Hi, I'm Dr Greene. I've been dealing with your girlfriend?" He says almost sounding like a question. Fazer nods his head and gulps as he waits for what the doctor is about to say. Dr Greene looks down at his clipboard before looking back up at Fazer. "I'm sorry Mr Rawson but you need to prepare yourself for the worst. Your girlfriend's extensive drinking not only last night but also over the years has caused extreme damage to her liver." He says and a tear falls down Fazer's cheek. "So... W-What happens now?" He stutters while wiping his eyes. "We have stabilised your girlfriend, she's currently in a drug induced coma and we're going to try and save as much of her liver as possible. If we cant save enough then she'll need a liver transplant." Dr Greene says. "B-But she'll be okay?" Fazer asks. "I cant promise anything but we'll do our best." Dr Greene replies. "Can I see her?" Fazer asks and Dr Greene nods his head. "Of course follow me. You can only have a few minutes before we take her down to surgery though." He replies and Fazer nods his head. He follows Dr Greene to a small room where Tulisa is lying in a bed looking so peaceful. The doctor lets him in then leaves the room. He takes a seat next to her bed and grips onto her hand. "Come on baby... I need you to pull through because I need you. You've saved me T. I don't know what I'd do without you. The boys need their mummy because although you think they hate you, they really don't." He whispers as a tear falls down his cheek onto her hand.


Danny paces up and down the living room as Stephanie sits on the sofa her hands shaking. "Dan would you stop it please. Your making me nervous." She almost whispers as a tear falls down her cheek. "Yeah well you should be. This could change everything!" He shouts. "Look if you don't want this then fuck off. I'm sorry but I didn't force you to sleep with me did I? Did I force myself on you? No! I didn't, this is as much your fault as it is mine. Do you think I'm happy about this?" She asks placing a hand on her stomach. "Because I'm not. I'm the one left to look after Skye and this baby when it comes along when you get yourself a new fuck buddy." She screams at him. "You know T was more than just a fuck... She was my everything." Danny says and Stephanie sighs. "Exactly! She was your everything and Skye was forgotten about until every other weekend when you played the doting daddy. Well guess what Danny? Your nothing but a liar! I know you cheated on Tulisa and don't even think about denying it. I saw you and it was with Jess, my friend." She says and he stares at her in shock. "B-But you..." He begins. "I didn't tell her because I knew you'd make me out to be the jealous ex which I wasn't. Just like you done at the beginning of your relationship, you know we were together when you got with Tulisa. She might not of known but you do. So while you were acting all innocent, I was getting so much hate. I lost our baby Danny, while you let your girlfriend call me a slag and gold digger on twitter. I didn't want your money. I still don't want your money. I just want you to step up and be a decent dad. Stop putting other people before your daughter." She rants at him. "Steph... I'm sorry!" He says and she shakes her head. "Your apologises mean nothing anymore... I've heard them to many times. Just go." She replies as tears fall down her cheeks. "Steph..." He begins. "GO!" She screams and he sighs. He walks out the front door leaving Stephanie to break down in tears.

In London.

Sitting beside Tulisa's bedside Fazer sighs. She's just out of surgery, they manage to save nearly half her liver which they think should be enough. They've began to bring her out the coma and she should be waking up soon. He's got his head resting against her bed as he places gentle kisses on her hand. "I promise I'll never let you down... I'll treat you like a princess and give you the life you've always dreamed of but you need to pull through this for me and the boys because I need you." He whispers as the door creaks open. Lewis walks in and hands Fazer a brown envelope. "I think its the results." He says before leaving the room. Fazer lets go off Tulisa's hand and rips open the letter and begins to read until he comes to the bit he wants.

'Richard Rawson is the biological father of both babies.'

A couple of tears fall down his cheeks as he feels Tulisa stir on the bed. He looks up to see her eyes flicker open. "T!" He says. "I love you." She mumbles before closing her eyes again. Suddenly the machines around her begin to beep...

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