Newly Underwater

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"holy 2hiit..." Sollux whispered to himself when he opened his eyes. This was his first time underwater, his first time looking through these eyes of his, the ones that were actually normalish. The young Captor looked around, eyes wide with wonder as they took in the scenery before them.

Teal sea bed, pink corals, lime seaweed, gray rocks, this was a completely different world to what he was used to. Sollux looked down at his hands and flexed his fingers. He felt much more powerful than he had on land.  One stroke propelled him forwards, so much that he was surprised.

Two...three...four...he swam.

Sollux looked around this strange realm he'd just entered, his changed eyes taking in everything he could about it. The small crabs that scuttled around on the rocks and sand, the fish that swam by in schools, the eels that slunk through the seaweed and hid in holes that they had burrowed. This was amazing.

"ii mu2t be goiing crazy...thiinkiing the water ii2 cool..." Sol grumbled to himself, but he couldn't keep himself from swimming around the place. Hey, curiosity killed the cat. Sollux swam over the rocks and through the delicate seaweed, not noticing how the currents he'd created through swimming disturbed several schools of fish, causing them to swim off grumpily. Neither did he notice in which direction they'd swam off to, so he didn't know that a certain Highblood would be alerted of the presence of a strange new Seadweller.

The young troll yawned as he sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He'd overslept that day, because why the fuckity fuck not? He didn't have anything to look forward to, anyway, so what was the point of waking up early?

"I wwish I could do this more often..." he grumbled as he got up and stretched, the fins that doubled as ears flexing slightly as he did so. He looked out the window, surveying the sky from the shipwreck that was his hive.

"Hm...I didn't sleep the night awway..." he muttered as his violet eyes rested just below one of the two moons in the Alternian sky. He'd always loved those moons, he never really told anyone, though.

"I guess I'll swwim..." Eridan said to himself as he walked out of his room, his signature cape already in place. His brother, Cronus, was still asleep, as usual. As for his father...well, he didn't really know where Dualscar was, but that didn't really bother him, it was normal for the Highblood to disappear from time to time. The young Ampora sighed and dove into the water, thinking about the lonely swim he was about to have. At least the fish were there to keep him company, right? He wished that there were more Seadwellers, maybe if it was possible to pass on the gift to Lowbloods, then...Eridan shook his head, chasing the thought out of his head. Passing on the gift of being a Seadweller? Really? That was such a stupid thought, he nearly smacked himself for it. Wishful thinking.

"Such an idiot..." he muttered to himself as he lowered his body into the sea. It didn't take long for a school of fish to find the young Ampora and start glubbing at him, some even nipping his sleeves and cape to get his attention and drag him to the strange new Seadweller.

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