Chapter Five

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It seemed to Flo that the night had danced itself away.

She rested her head on Laurence's shoulder, her elbow linked through his, as he lead her out of the party. The outside of the home was no less lavish than the interior--more so, perhaps, Flo thought, her head swimming. She could not think clearly--the champagne had muddled her thoughts--but maybe she didn't want to be able to think clearly. She was enjoying this romantic sort of confusion with Laurence. 

On a whim, she reached up and pressed her lips to his. Laurence stiffened for a moment, stopping outside the grand, sprawling porch of the New York home, and then kissed her back. They stood there for a short while, picturesque in their love and dizzy in their happiness. Flo could not think of anything else as she stood there kissing Laurence. Even the slow raindrops drizzling from the sky and sneaking down the back of her dress didn't bother her. She was in Laurence's arms and the night was beautiful, but more importantly, it was young and she was young. 

"Do you need a ride home?" Laurence asked, gesturing to the small, compact car he had bought recently. It was quite slick, Flo noticed, with a uniformed driver in the front and smooth seats. But she was not quite used to automobiles yet--the thought made her nauseous--and besides, her home was but a few blocks away. 

"I think I'll walk home, Laurence," she said, and watched his face drop. "But you must, and I insist, you must walk me home. Just like a proper gentleman."

Laurence brightened. "At your service, madame!" he said grandly, sweeping into a low bow. 

Flo laughed and linked her arm through his once more, as they set out into the humid night. It was a warm summer midnight, with a canopy of stars twinkling above their miraculous love story, and Flo's body felt flushed and alive. She was so very happy to be here, at this moment. In fact, while she was perhaps the least religious person in all of Manhattan, she sent a quick prayer of thanks to the Lord above. 

"What are you thinking, eh?" Laurence's low voice rumbled throatily.

"Just how wonderful this feels," Flo sighed. She squeezed his arm and walked faster to keep up with his rapid stride. "The perfect night, no? What a lovely, lovely surprise. I had not thought this would happen."

"To tell the truth, I had not either," he said, smiling crookedly and looking down at her. "But once I saw you the bar, that champagne flute balanced between your fingers just like a woman of the most posh society, I knew. I knew something true and pure and beautiful in that moment, and it manifested."

"Oh, Laurence," Flo breathed, suddenly overcome by his words. She raised her face to the juicy raindrops and let her pale, pearlescent makeup wash away underneath the tears of the clouds. If she spoke, she feared she would cry. How ignorant, how foolish, how ridiculous could she have been to ever let Laurence go? She questioned her judgment and shuddered, glad that she had found him once more.

"Laurence, if it were not for your persistence, we never would have found each other," she said abruptly, marveling at the thought. "You are a blessing, Laurence. Our togetherness is such a blessing."

"I could not agree more," he said, just as they stopped outside of Flo's large home. Flo's eyes blurred as she glanced at her house, disappointed that they had to part. 

"Laurence...I want you to stay the night," she said after a deep breath.

He raised his eyebrows high in surprise and halted abruptly. "You--you're sure, Flo? What's happened to you?" 

And Flo, truthfully, could not blame him. Despite her wildness and absolute flirtatiousness, despite her adventurous personality, she had never gone this far with any boy, Laurence or not. As a matter of fact, when Laurence brought it up, she quickly changed the subject, for she was expected to be a proper society woman and do the deed when she was married, and then only to have a houseful of beautiful, plump-cheeked children. This sort of pleasure was something that she never would have thought coming out of her lips.

She set her mouth firmly, and with determination, said, "Yes, Laurence. I am one hundred percent sure. You found me tonight, and I never, ever want to lose you. Say yes, won't you? I want--I want to share this with you. The first time for both of us." 

"I can't refuse a lady, now can I?" Laurence said with a wink, and they hurried into the house. And as the night grew into a pale dawn, Flo's cheeks were pink and her entire body hummed. No, it sang, she decided, as sunrise slowly began its treacherous climb up the sky. She was Laurence's woman, forever and ever, and in his arms, the beginning of the new day felt like heaven itself. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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