Operation, Infiltrate Alvarez

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Short Info on the Espers of the Spriggan 12..

Bob Cartman. His ability name is known as Glutton. Bob Cartman has a simple ability upon first glance, eat and spit.. eat and spit... eat whatever, and spit it back out, sometimes in the form of pure energy. But it's more complex then that. His mouth is a gateway to his own portable pocket dimension, inside which, he is perfectly capable of altering the environment within the area.. and feeding off the energy of whatever is stored in himself.

Asura Liang. She is Bob's sister, and is constantly surrounded by an intense AIM diffusion field that manipulates light particles around her. Because of this, she is constantly having to don a special nanofiber clothing infused with magic to steady her power.. otherwise she risks blowing like a nuclear bomb. She can manipulate and solidify light particles to create devastating powerful constructs from pure light, and is also perfectly capable of creating plasma, flight, and in some cases (though she forgets to use it plenty of times) invisibility through bending light waves around her. Her real name was formerly Stephanie Cartman, but she changed it to Asura out of personal preference.

Hisako Sora. Her childhood was extremely rough and bitter. Her parents didn't want her.. and each of her birthdays, her parents would try to give her up for adoption. But were unable to, due to legal complications. This, and other events, resulted in Hisako developing an extreme mistrust for others, desiring to keep them out with impenetrable walls.. and to stop everything.. and just keep quiet for a moment. This resulted in her Road Block ability as a Level 4 gemstone, the strongest gemstone on record besides Gunha. Eventually she became a Level 5 around 2 years after all the major guild's disappearance into Soul Society, and would have been ranked the New Number 1 ranked Level 5, had it not been for Rhode Jarred's ability to bypass Accelerator's vector redirection. Otherwise, Hisako is probably the most powerful out of all the New Seven.

"You're.. kidding!" Mikoto stammered, standing up from her desk. "Your village.. SHRANK!?"

Naruto Uzumaki rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Uhhhh.. yes?"

Sasuke had arrived with the ones who had survived Brandish's stealing of the Hidden Leaf Village only just an hour before.

As Sakura went into a separate room of the guild hall to check on Accelerator. Everyone else was gathered in the main guild room, surrounded by other shocked Fairy Tail members who were also hearing about the situation.

"It was.. rather shocking to say the least." said Kakashi. "I'm sorry for coming with such low reinforcements for your infiltration plan.. but this is all we have now.."

"Aw man.." Gray said. "It's going to be difficult to convince the Magic Council to allow us to mobilize now.. but.."

"But we're moving forward either way." said Mikoto. "Their village is just one more reason for us to continue on with the plan.."

Shikamaru raised a hand. "Not to be a drag about this.. but.. how do you plan to infiltrate them in the first place? I've taken a look at your forces, and no offense, but you're all a bunch of major oddballs who don't seem to have any knack for stealth.."

"Can't argue with him there." said Saten from somewhere in the crowd.

Mikoto grinned. "You're right.. we'll need a kind of edge won't we? That's why most of the guild is going to be on the outside of the main city, causing distractions, while a small number of us infiltrate directly into the capital."

"And.. THEN we blow stuff up?" Natsu asked.

"Yes Natsu." said Mikoto with a roll of her eyes. "Then we blow stuff up.."

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