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dedicated to lIamas, nia i love you. thanks for your encouragement.

I will do my best to write a story that not only you enjoy to read, but one that I will enjoy to write! I want to include characters that every single one of you can relate to, books are about living our truth - so let me know if I've left a representation of you out!

WARNING : this story contains

Suggestive themes
Sexual content
Gruesome detail + description

I N T R O :

within the shadows of the mountains, on the edge of a sprawling forest, lay a sleepy Colorado town. The people who lived within the cozy homes that lined the streets were good at what they did; what they did kept them alive. What they did, kept them human.

During the day, the forest was an enchanting place — filled with the laughter of the trees, the warmth of the hot sun on your skin, and the feeling as if nightfall would never come. But even as tempting as the forest was, few dared to enter, even under the protection of the afternoon sun. Darkness may blur the truth, but the forest was just as dangerous in the light.

As the day dragged to an end, the sun would begin their descent behind the mountains, as if they too knew the horrors the night held.


Like the sun in the sky, the people of the town would slowly drip behind their locked doors, their breath catching in their throats as the first street lamp would flicker on.

For after darkness fell, the monsters came out to play.

For the healers, this was reality. As night began, the spells were hastily whispered and the locks were slipped into place — the night held secrets of their own and the healers weren't the gossiping type. With magic as their only protection, the healers spent every night in preparation for what was to come; they waited for the hunters to return at dawn, their lips already murmuring the protection spells.

For the hunters, the night was their playground — like the monsters they hunted, the hunters, too, cam alive at night. At the first sight of twilight, the protectors of the town would slip from their hiding places and begin their watch.

Even filled to the brim with bravery, few hunters truly ventured into the heart of the woods. In childhood, we are whispered tales of strange beasts, monsters, and everything in between — but in the woods, they aren't just myths.

They are reality.

This town belonged under an oath, created hundreds of years before you or I breathed our first breath; created on the foundation of old magic, it ensured that mortals and monsters would live in harmony together, as long as the sun was high in the sky.

After the sun fell behind the mountains, it was an unspoken agreement that your door was locked, your weapon was drawn and that you trusted no one — not until morning came.

The people who lived under the protection of Shadow Peak, were divided in two. Healers or Hunters — there were those who joined the hunt, or those who had magic flowing through their veins. There was no in between, no second chances.

Once you were decided, there was no turning back.

The forest was home to many creatures, sprawling hills, swollen rivers, witches and demons — it was the home to fairies and vampires, mermaids and goblins, but the woods were a kingdom, and every kingdom needs a king.


The main character, Eva Montgomery, will be played by Danielle Campbell! If you see her differently in within your own head, don't hesitate to tell me who you envision — I just might agree with you!

(but seriously, Danielle is such a retired Harry Styles fanfic girl, so there is an unending supply of gifs of her...and I love including gifs. INCLUDING GIFS IS MY PASSION)


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With all my love,


(ps wendy is a pen name so don't try hitting random wendys up on the gram, they will just be real confused)

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