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An hour later, I was standing in front of Rachel's hotel room door in a tux. It had taken me a trip back to my house to get some cash and to sneak the suit out of my dad's room, an argument with a florist about what kind of flowers I wanted (I didn't really care if the colors would go with her hair or be compatible with her star sign) and I had to bribe the man at the front desk of the hotel to tell me her room number. Drew called me a while back to make sure that I wasn't just at home. I asked him why he didn't just use the 'track my phone' app he used whenever he wanted to casually stalk me and he replied that he didn't want to know when I spent a long time in her room in case we were "doing the do.", according to him. But I never really registered how weird it was that I would show up where she lived without asking her and without announcement until she stood in the doorway, staring at me.

"John? What the-"

I shoved the flowers toward her. "Wanna go out tonight?"

She stared at me. "No? You can't just... I didn't tell you my address, how'd you find this place?"

"Well, you did tell me that you were living in your dad's hotel and that it was close enough to the school to walk, so you kind of did."

"The room, John, the room. How'd you find my room?"

"Rachel?" A voice sounded from inside... it was a guy. 


A guy came to the door. He stood a few inches above Rachel's stature, black hair that swept over his forehead,a rectangular jawline, and green eyes that resembled the shade of seaweed reflecting light. He smelled like saltwater, his presence hitting me before I even saw him. 

"Gods dammit, John." Rachel looked at me. "You couldn't call?"

I stared at the way he stood behind her, slightly protective. "Who is he?" I asked

"It doesn't matter." She rushed. You have to leave. 

"Who is he?" The guy asked

"A friend." She said, still making eye contact with me

"A friend?" I asked,my betrayal turned to outrage in my stomach and my words were full of hurt. "That's it?"

"That has to be it!" the guy yelled "Rachel, if Chiron finds out, or gods forbid, Ap-"

"Don't even say that," She said.

"He's going on all about Apollo, too?" I asked "Who is this guy, Rachel?"

"No one, he's no one!"

"I would hardly call me no one," he said feigning offense. "Percy Jackson," he introduced himself, winking at me "son of the sea god, savior of the universe, and generally awesome person. Nice to meet you." He pulled one hand out of his pocket and shoved it past Rachel and through the doorway, offering it to me.

I took it. "John Works, uh, son of Carol, high school student, and Rachel's boyfriend." My self given description didn't hold the weight his did, unfortunately.

"Not an all together bad resume, if it weren't for the whole 'Rachel's boyfriend' part. That part kinda sucks." Rachel elbowed him in the ribs and he retracted his hand back in to his jeans pocket.

"There's no point in hiding you now," she said to me. "Come on in."

I didn't imagine that the first time I'd be in Rachel's bedroom, it'd be with some other guy who claimed to be the son of a sea god, not to mention 'savior of the universe'. Cocky, even if he did do something important. "Now, Red, I'm not usually one to point out limited morality as it is almost always against my favor," Percy said "but Apollo is going to be pretty ticked when he finds out that his oracle's been smooching with a mortal." He pulled out a pen and swished it in front of me. I looked at him confused and Rachel jumped back as he jabbed at me with it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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